Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/458

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 318. JUNE 30, 1932 . Bureau of Medicine

BUREAU OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY and Surgery . MEDICAL DEPARTMENT Surgeon's necessaries . For surgeon's necessaries for vessels in commission, navy yards, Civil establ ishmen t, naval stations, and Marine Corps ; and for the civil establishment at the sever al naval hospitals , navy ya rds, nava l medical supply d epots, Naval M edical Schoo l and dispen sary, Washing ton, a nd Nav al, Ac ad- emy ; for tolls and ferriages ; purchase of books and stationery ; hygienic and sanit ary inves tigation and illus tration ; san ita ry, hy gi- enic, administrative, and special instruction, including the issuing of naval medical bulletins and supplements ; purchase and repairs of vesicles, etc . nonpass enger- carryi ng wag ons, a utomob ile amb ulance s, and harne ss

purchase of and feed for horses and cows ; maintenance, repair, and operation of three passenger-carrying motor vehicles for naval dis- pensary, Washington ? District of Columbia, and of one motor-pro- pelled vehicle for official use only for the medical officer on out-patient medical service at the Naval Academy ; trees, plants, care of grounds garden tools, and seeds ; incidental articles for the Naval Medical School and naval dispensary, Washington, naval medical supply depots , sick quart ers at Naval Acade my and marine barra cks ; w a s h - ing for medic al dep artmen t at N aval M edical School and n aval d is- pensary, Washington, naval, medical supply depots, sick quarters at Naval Academ y and marine barra cks, d ispensa ries a t navy yards and naval stations, and ships ; and for minor repairs on buildings and grounds of the United States Naval Medical School and naval medical supply depots ; rent of rooms for naval dispensary, Washington, District of Columbia, not to exceed $1,200 ; for the care, maintenance, Care, etc., of insane and treatment of the insane of the Navy and Marine Corps on the on Pacific coast .

Pacific coast, including supernumeraries held for transfer to Saint Elizabeths Hospital ; for dental outfits and dental material ; and all Proviso .

other necessary contingent expenses ; in all, $1,840,000 : Provided, Limit on sum for Group IV (b) em- that the sum to be paid out, of this appropriation for employees ployees . assigned to Group IV(b) and those performing similar services carried under nat ive and a lien sche dules in the Sche dule of W ages for Civil Employ ees in the F ield S ervice of thQ Navy Depart ment s hall not exceed $200,000 . Care of the dead . CARE OF limit DEAD Ezpenses& of Inter- For the care of the dead ; for funeral expenses and interment or ment of officer s, etc ., dying in service, etc . transportation to their homes or to designated cemeteries of . the remai ns of office rs (in cludin g offi cers wh o die within the U nited States) and enlisted men of the Navy and Marine Corps, of members of the Nurse Corps, reservists on active or training duty, and accepted Civilian employees applicants for enlistment, civilian employees of the Navy Department dyin g abro ad . - and Naval Establishment who die outside of the continental limits of the United States, and former enlisted men who are discharged while in naval hospitals and are inmates of said hospitals on the date of their death ; for funeral expenses and interment of the remains of pensioners and destitute patients who die in naval hospitals

for ur-

chase and care of cemetery lots ; for removal of remains from aband oned c emeter ies to naval or na tional cemete ries, or to their homes, including remains interred in isolated graves at home and Rt~Irid officers, etc., abroa d, and remai ns tem porari ly int erred, $68,000 : Provided, That on active duty, in- the above provision shall apply in the case of officers and enlisted men elud ed.

of the Navy and Marine Corps on the retired list who die while on active duty .