Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/473

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 324. JUNE 30, 1932 .

449 prepared through available State funds to use the additional Fed- eral funds . And there is hereby authorized to be appropriated for each of the fiscal years ending June 30, 1934, June 30, 1935, Julie 30, 1936, and June 30, 1937, the slim of $97,000, or so much thereof as may be needed, which shall be used for the purpose of providing the minimum allotments to the States provided for in this section . "A ll mo ney expe nded und er the p rovi sio ns of th is Act f rom appropriations authorized by section 1 shall be upon the condition (1) that for each doUar of Federal mousy expended there shall be expended in the State under the supervi , ion and control of the State board at least an equal amount for the same purpose : Pro- 'aided, That no portion of the appropriations authorized by this Act shall be used by any institution for handicapped persons except for vocational rehabilitation of such individuals entitled to the benefits of this Act as shall be determined by the Federal board ; (2) that the State boa rd s hall ann uall y su bmit to the Fede ral board for approval plans showin(r (a) the plan of administration and sulper- vision of the work ; (bj the qualifications of directors, supervisors, and other employees ; and (c) the policies and methods of carrying on the work ; (3) that the State board shall snake an annual report to the Federal board on or before September 1 of each year on the work done i n the State and on the receipts and expenditures of money under the provisions of this Act ; (4) that no portion of any money authorized to be appropriated by this Act for the benefit of the States shall be applied, directly or indirectly, to the purchase, preservation, erection, or repair of any building or buildings or equipment, or for the purchase or rental of any lands ; (5) that all vocational rehabilitation service given under the supervision and control of the State board shall be available, under such rules and regulations as the Federal board shall prescribe, to any civil employee of the United States disabled while in the performance of his duty ." i, `,O1 41, p .736; Vol . 46, SEC. 2. Section 3 of such Act of June 2, 1920, as amended (U . S. V., 9. C, p. 94N ; C ., title 29, sec . 34), is amended to read as follows : Sup 11 v, 11. 481, 11 SEC . 3 . That in order to secure the benefits of the appropriations Conditions imposed on State, authorized by section 1 any State shall, through the legislative authority thereof,

acce t the pro visi ons of this Act ; (2) Acce pta nce . (1)



Cooperation with empower and direct the board- designated or created as the State Fd ei l board . board for vocational education to cooperate in the administration r . s, 39 p 929. c.,p.609. of the provisions of the Vocational Education Act, approved Feb- ruary 23, 1917 (U . S . C., title 20, ch . 2), to cooperate as herein provided with the Federal Board for Vocational Education in the admi nist rati on o f th e pr ovis ions of this Act ; (3) in those States where a State workmen's compensation board, or other State board, u Cooerati n of State department, or agency exists, charged with the administration of ttonboardi the State workmen's compensation or liability laws, the legislature shall provide that a plan of cooperatiop be formulated between such State board, department, or agency and the State board charged with the administration of this Act, such plan to be effective when approved, by the governor of the State ; (4) provide for the super- ur portto 'vi ded . , vision and support of the program of vocational rehabilitation to be provided by the State board in carrying out the provisions of this Act ; (5) appoint as custodian for said appropriations its State treasurer, who shall receive and provide for the proper custody and disbursement of all money paid to the State from said appro- priations : Provided, That any State which, prior to June 30, 1933, has accepted and otherwise complied with the provisions of the Act' of June 2, 1920, as amended June 5, 1924, as amended June 9, 1930, shall be deemed to have accepted and complied with the provisions of this amendment to said Act." 3051'-33-20 Rum anthnrired for mmauuut allotments, Condition, regtured . ISqu,d

expenditure by State . I'rnriao . lte~tricttonon u>e by utst itu tio ns . Suhitii-ion of plans, etc ., by state board . Annual report by Rtate guard of work dune, etc . rurchane ° etc , of build me, or land~ pro- hibited . Courses to he acaila- able to Federal civil employ ees . of State treasurers to be custodians of funds . I'M 7130 . Ma te acceptance prior t o June 30, 1933, deemed compliance here$ ith .