Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/511

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I . CH. 361 . JULY 1, 1932 .

487 JUDICIAL United States Court for China. For salaries of the judge, district attorney, and other officers Salariesandexpenses . and employees of the court ; court expenses, including reference law books, ice, and drinking water for office purposes, $35,000 . PRISONS FOR AMERICAN CONVICTS For expens es of mainta ining in Chi na, the forme r Otto man Em pire, c on sul ar p ris ons , ete. Egypt, Ethiop ia, Mo rocco, and M uscat institu tions for in carcer at- ing American convicts and persons declared insane by the United States Court for China of 1 any consular court ; wages of prison keepers ; rent of quarters for prisons ; ice and drinking water for prison purposes ; and for the expenses of keeping, feeding, and iKeepers,quarters,ete. transportation of prisoners and persons declared insane by the United States Court for China or any consular court in China, Countries specified . the former Ottoman Empire, Egypt, Ethiopia, Morocco, and Mus- cat, so much as may be necessary ; in all $7,600 . BRIN GING HOM E PE RSON S C HARG ED W ITH CRIM E For every expen diture requi site f or or inciden t to t he bri nging . . Bringing home crim- home from foreign countries of persons charged with crime as R, s., see . 5276, p. authorized by section 5275 of the Revised Statutes (U . S . C ., title 102s. c., p.511. 18, sec . 659), $2,000 . Section 3709 of the Revised Statutes (U . S . C ., title 41, sec . 5) Minor purchases without advertising . shall not apply to any purchase or service rendered payable from the R .S.,sec .3709,p .733 foregoing appropriations when the aggregate amount involved does wus: C ., p. 1309. not exceed $100 or when the purchase or service relates to the packing of personal and household effects of Diplomatic, Consular, and For- eign Service officers and clerks for foreign shipment . No portion of the sums appropriated in Title I of this Act shall, Rent restriction in unless expressly authorized, be expended for rent or rental allow- united states . ances in the District of Columbia or elsewhere in the United States . Wherever the Secretary of State, in his discretion, procures Expense s of se curing informa tion o n beha lf of corpor ations , firms , and indivi duals the inf•r`nat'on for corpo- expense of cablegrams and telephone service involved may he charged rations, etc . against the respective appropriations for the service utilized ; and reimbursement therefor shall be required from those for whom the information was procured and, when made, be credited to the appro- priation under which the expenditure was charged . TITLE II .-DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE

Department of Jus- tice . OFFI CE OF THE AT TORN EY G ENER AL Salaries : For Attorney General, $15,000 ; Solicitor General, $10,000 ; Att orn ey Gen era l, Solicitor General, As- Assistant to the Attorney General, $9,000 ; and other personal serv- sistant to Attorney ices i n the Distri ct of Columb ia, in cluding the S olicit ors of the • Sol`ct rs ' and office Treasury, Commerce, and Labor Departments, and the office forces personnel . of the Solicitors of the Treasury, Commerce, and Labor Departments . $1,100,000 ; in all, $1,134,000 . . For the purc hase of l aw books, books of referenc e, and pe riodicals , Law books, etc . incl uding the excha nge there of, f or t he De partm ent of Ju stice , $7,500 : Provided, That not to exceed $2 per volume shall be paid I P' 'ror llmitrorUnited for the current and future volumes of the United States Code, States Code, Anno- Anno tat ed .

tated . UNITED STATES COURT FOR CHINA I So in original .