Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/514

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 361. JULY 1, 1932. seizures made under the internal revenue laws if a violation of the National Prohibition Act is involved and disposition is made under ~R.>7 .,S see 346g yp

section 3460, Revised Statutes (U. S . C ., title 26, sec . 1193) ; costs

incurred in the seizure, storage, and disposition of any vehicle and team or automobile, boat, air or water craft, or any other convey- ance, seized pursuant to section 26, Title II, of the National Prohi- bition Act, when the proceeds of sale are insufficient therefor or where there is no sale ; purchase of passenger-carrying motor vehi- cles at a total cost of not to exceed $50,000, including the value of any vehicles exchanged and the hire, maintenance, repair ? and opera- tion of motor-propelled or horse-drawn passenger-carrying vehicles for official use in field work ; and for rental of quarters ; in all tr Services in the Dis- $10,250,000, of which amount not to exceed $335,120 may be expended for perso nal se rvices in t he Dis trict of Col umbia . . Vol. 41, p. 315. Judicial. JUDICIAL United States e C

Su- preme Court .

UNITED STA TES SU PRE ME COU RT Salaries of Justices .

Salaries : Chief Justice, $20,500 ; eight Associate Justices, at All other officers, etc. $20,000 each ; and all , other officers and employees, whose compensa- tion shall be fixed by the court, except as otherwise provided by law, and who may be employed and assigned by the Chief Justice to any offi ce or work o f the court , incl uding an add itiona l ass istant to th e reporter of the court, if the court deems one necessary, to enable the reporter to expedite the publication of its reports, $100,000 ; in all, Printing end binding . $280,500 . For printing and binding for the Supreme Court of the United States, $21,000, to be expended as required, without allotment by quarters. The printing and binding for the Supreme Court shall be done by th e prin ter it may employ , unle ss it shall other wise o rder . Miscellaneous pens es. Reporter. Judges. Circuit and district. Retir ed . Vol.40,p .1157;II.S. C.,p. 908. Cus toms Cou rt. Vol . 46, p . 737; vol. 42, p.972. Avail ability . MISCELLANE OUS EXPENSES, SUPREME COURT ex- Fo r miscellaneous expenses of the Supreme Court of the United States, including rent of office for the reporter in Washington, to be expended as the Chief Justice may direct, $15,000 . For the salary of the reporter, $8,000 . SALARIES OF JUDGES For salaries of forty circuit judges, at $12,500 each ; one hundred and fifty-one district judges (including two in the Territory of Hawaii, one in the Territory of Porto Rico, and four in the Territory of Alaska), at $10,000 each ; and judges retired under section 260 of the Judicial Code, as amended 2 and section 518 of the Tariff Act of 1930, and general appraiser retired under section 518 of the Tariff Act of 1922 ; in all $2,174,000 : Provided, That this appropriation shall be av ailabl e for the s alarie s of a ll Uni ted St ates justic es and circu it and distr ict ju dges lawful ly ent itled theret o, wh ether active or retired . -Court of Customs and Patent Appeals. -Salaries. Salaries : Presiding judge and four associate judges, at $12,500 each ; and all other officers and employees of the court, $37,500 ; in all, $100,000 . Printing and binding . For printing and binding, $5,000 . Books, miscellaneous For books and periodicals, including their exchange ; stationery, expenses, etc . supplies, traveling expenses ; drugs, chemicals, cleansers, furniture ; and for such other miscellaneous expenses as may be approved by the presiding judge, $4,500 . COURT OF CUSTOMS AND PATENT APPEALS