Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/580

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'12d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 366 . JULY 1, 1932 . shall pay a license tax of $100 per annum for each vehicle used . No such vehicle shall be operated unless there shall be conspicuously display ed therein a license issued under the terms of this sub- p ara raphh othe rs. " ( d) Owners of passenger vehicles for hire, whether operated from a private establishment or from public space, other than those . licensed in the two preceding subparagraphs, shall pay a license tax of $25 per annum for each such vehicle used in the conduct of their Date oflic anse .

business. Licenses issued under this subparagraph shall date from Lioensenumber . July 1 in each year . There shall be carried on each such vehicle a nu mber corr espo ndin g to the numbe r of the lice nse issue d th erefo r, in such place and of such character and dimensions as may be pre- scribed by the Public Utilities Commission of the District of Colum- P ubliostands, bia . Said commission is hereby authorized to establish stands upon the public space, adjacent to hotels, or otherwise, for occupancy by said vehicles and is further authorized to make and enforce all Police ragwa tions° such reasonable and usual police regulations as they may deem necessary for the proper conduct and control of all such vehicles, Vol. 4k p. uzoM subject to the approval of the joint board created by section 6 (e) of the Act entitle d `An Act to amend the Acts approved March 3, 1925, and July 3, 1926, known as the District of Columbia Traffic Ac ts a nd so for th,' appr oved Febr uary 27, 1931 . D rlvlngvehiclewith- " ce) No person shall engage in driving or operating any vehicle ooutbllcensd and ba dge licensed under the terms of subparagraph (c) and (d) hereof without having procured from the Commissioners of the District of Columbia or their designated agent a license and a badge numbered to cor- respond with the number of said license, neither of which shall be issued except upon evidence satisfactory to the director of motor vehicles under the direction of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia that the applicant is a person of good moral character and is qualified to operate such vehicle, and upon payment of an annual diHplaned, ete ., to be license fee of $5 . Such license shall be displayed within the vehicle and such badge prominently worn upon the driver's breast at all Application .

times while engaged in driving any vehicle licensed under the terms of subparagraphs (c) and (d) . Application for such license shall Number . be made in such form as shall be prescribed to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia or their designated agent . Each annual license issued under the provisions of this subparagraph shall be numbered, and there shall be kept in the Department of Vehicles and Traffic a record containing the name of each person so licensed, his annual license number, and all matters affecting his qualifica- Not tran sfera ble .

tions to be licensed hereunder . No license issued under the provisions of this subparagraph shall be assigned or transferred . Identification tags . " (f) All vehicles licensed under this paragraph shall bear such identification tags as the Commissioners of the District of Columbia may from time to time direct ; and nothing herein contained shall exempt such vehicles from compliance with the traffic and motor- vehic le reg ulatio ns of the D istric t of C olumbi a, nor shal l it d eprive the Public Utilities Commission of the District of Columbia from assu ming cont rol over such vehi cles , und er s uch regul atio ns as the Proviso.

Public Utilities Commission may from time to time adopt and Powers conferred by promulgate : Provided, That nothing contained in this section shall ZIMhd ed set s not be construed so as to diminish the powers conferred on the Coin- Vol.46,p. 1494M missioners of the District of Columbia under the provisions of the Act entitled `An Act to amend the Acts approved March 3, 1925, and July 3 1926, known as the District of Columbia Traffic Acts, 21:36, 15 May 2014 (UTC)~

and so forth,' nor to diminish the powers conferred on the Public Utilities Commission of the District . of Columbia by said Act and