Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/598

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574 Vali dity orpe rmits . When issued prior hereto. Violations unlawful . Penalties. Provisions repealed. E%vemi a Orders No, 1"57.324:3. 72d CONGRE SS . SESS. I. CHS. 418, 419. JULY 5,1932. A permit granted under this section shall run for the fiscal year in which it is issued, and it may be revoked at any time for cause by the Governor of the Panama Canal . SEC . 5 . That permits heretofore issued by authority of law, to have and use firearms, shall not be affected by this Act, but such permits shall continue in force until the expiration of the period for which th ey were issued . SEC . 6 . That anyone not authorized by this Act, who carries on or about his person any of the prohibited arms mentioned in section 1 of this Act, or who hunts or eng ages in hunting without first obt ain- ing the permit provided for in this Act, or who after obtaining such permit engages in hunting in violation of the provisions of this Act or any rule or regulation established by the governor hereunder, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor . SEC . 7. That penalties for the infringement of this Act shall be in addition to such punishment as may be imposed upon the offend- ing pe rson for any other offense that he may have committed in connection with the carrying or using of arms in violation of this Act. SEC . 8. That sections 449 to 460 of the Penal Code of the Canal Zone, and the Executive orders of December 1, 1909, November 3, 1911, November 7, 1913, and March 6, 1920, and all other laws in conflict herewit h, are hereby re pealed . Approved, July 5, 1932 . [CHAPTER 419 .] July 5, 1032.

AN ACT [HI . x.7504 .1

To provide for the extradition of fugitives from the justice of the Republic of [Public, No . 252.1

Panama who seek refuge in the Canal Zone . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the Canal Zone .

United States o f America in Congress assembled, That all persons Extradition of fugi- tives from the ltepub- who have been condemned, prosecuted, or accused before the courts lic of Panama . of the Repu blic of Panama as authors or accomplices of crim es, transgressions, or offenses against the laws of said Republic, who seek refuge in the Canal Zone, shall be, upon apprehension, taken into custody by the authorities of the Canal Zone and delivered to the authorities of the Republic of Panama, upon the demand of the Government of that Republic and compliance with the procedure hereinafter prescribed . Citizens of tho SEC. 2 . The government of the Canal Zone is at liberty to decline United states, compliance with a demand of the Government of the Republic of Panama for the arrest and delivery to the authorities of said Repub- lic of a fugitive from the justice of the Republic of Panama when . said fugitive is a citizen of the United States . The discretion hereby reserved shall b e exerci sed by t he Gover nor of th e Panama Canal . tive under laws of ca . Pcil a of fu gf- SEC . 3 . If the person whose arrest and delivery is demanded should nal zone . be accused of, or under sentence for, any crime, transgression, or offense committe d in the Canal Z one, he shall no t be delivered to the authorit ies of t he Repub lic of P anama un til he ha s been a cquitted , pardoned, or undergone his sentence pursuant to the provisions of the laws of the Canal Zone . Wh en after ex cr appears, after e~trdi SEC . 4 . If, in the course of the proceedings in the courts of the tion, of guilt of graver Republic of Panama, in the case to whi h the arrest and delivery offe nse .

appertain, it should appear that probable cause exists for believing the delinquent guilty of another and graver offense against the laws of the Rep ublic of Panama than tha t which gave ris e to the request