Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/607

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72d CONGR ESS . SESS . I. CH. 430. JULY 5, 1932 .

583 PUBLIC DEBT SERVICE Pub lic De bt Serv ice, For necess ary ex penses conne cted w ith the admin istrat ion of any e Co ~aioer, ~: public debt issues and United States paper currency issues with ices . which t he Sec retary of th e Trea sur is charged, including the pur- chase of law books, directories, boos of reference, pamphlets, er i- odicals, and newspapers, and including the Commissioner ofp the Public Debt and other personal services in the District of Columbia, $2,425,000 : Provided, That the amount to be expended for personal Services ' in the Dis. services in the District of Columbia shall not exceed $2,400,000 : trict. Provided further, That the indefinite appropriation " Expenses of Indefinite appropria- loans, Act of September 24, 1917, as amended and extended " t' Vol . contin 40, p292 . (U . S . C ., title 31, sees . 760, 761), shall not be used during the fiscal v. s. c.,,.1027. year 1933 to supplement the appropriation herein made for the cur- rent work of the Public Debt Service . Dis tincti ve pap er for Unite d Stat es sec urities : Fo r distinc tive' Distinctive paper for paper for United States currency, national-bank currency, and Fed- securities . ~Quantity authorized. eral rese rve bank currency, not exce eding two million pounds, i nclud- ing transportation of paper, traveling, mill, and other necessary expenses, and salaries of employees and allowance, in lieu of expenses, of officer or officers detailed Irom the Treasury Department, not exceeding $50 _per month each when actually on duty ; in all , provisos . $640,000 : ProvideThat no part of this appropriation shall be Pricellmitation . expended for the purchase of such paper at a price per pound in excess of 38 cents : Provided further, That in order to foster com- Di vision of awa rds . petition in the manufacture of distinctive paper for United States securities, the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized, in his dis- cretion, to split the award for such paper for the fiscal year 1933 between the two bidders whose prices per pound are the lowest received after advertisement, but not in excess of the price fi xed herein. DIVISION OF APPOINTMENTS BUREAU OF C USTO MS Appointments Divi- sion. Salaries : For the chief of the division, and other personal services ~ B r and office Per in the D istrict o f Columbi a, $47,88 0 . OFFICE OF DISBURSING CLERIC Salaries : For the disbursing clerk and other personal services in office p ersonne l . sa nd the District of Columbia, $54,940 . Custom s Bure au . Collecting the revenue from customs : For collecting the revenue collecting ` 0ms from custom s, for the d etecti on and preven tion o f frau ds upo n the customs revenue, and not to exceed $10,000 for the securing of evi- dence of violatio ns of the customs laws, in cluding e xpenses o f trans- portation and transfer of customs receipts from points where there fr man poi or receipts points of are no Government depositories, not to exceed $79,200 for allow- Government deposito . ances for livin g quarter s, includ ing heat, fuel and light, a s author- Living quarters, al . ized by the Act approved June 26, 1930 (U . 9 . C ., Supp . V, title 5, ioVo.46, pc.818. sec . 118a), not to exceed $1,700 for any one person, not to exceed u. s. C., supp. V, $5,000 for the hire of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles, p'ehicies,newspapers, not to exceed $500 for subscriptions to newspapers, and-in cluding the purchase, exchange, maintenance, repair, and operation of motor cycles, $22,000,000, of which such amount as may be necessary shall be available for the cost of seizure, storage and disposition of any merchandise, vehicle and team, automobile, boat, air or water craft,