Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/627

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72d CON GRESS . SESS. I. CH. 430. JULY 5,1932 .

603 Fo r exp enses incide nt to the sh ipmen t of s upplie s, inc luding hard - ware, boxing, packing, and not exceeding $54,100 for the pay of employees in connection therewith in the District of Columbia, $65,000 . For rental, purchase, exchange, and repair of canceling machines and motors, mechanical mail-handling apparatus, and other labor- saving devices, including cost of power in rented buildings and mis- cellaneous expenses of installation and operation of same, including salaries of seven traveling mechanicians and thirty-nine scale mechanicians, and for traveling expenses, $550,000 . For the purchase, manufacture, and repair of mail bags and other mail containers and attachments, mail locks, keys, chains, tools, machinery, and material necessary for same, and for incidental expenses pertaining thereto ; also material 2 machinery, and tools necessary for the manufacture and repair in the equipment shops at Washington, District of Columbia, of such other equipment for the Postal Service as may be deemed expedient ; for compensation to labor employed in the equipment shops at Washington, District of Columbia, $1,450,000, of which not to exceed $675,000 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia : Pro- vided, That out of this appropriation the Postmaster General is authorized to use as much of the sum, not exceeding $15,000, as may be deemed necessary for the purchase of material and the manu- facture in the equipment shops of such small quantities of distinc- tive equipments as may be required by other executive departments ; and for service in Alaska, Porto Rico, Philippine Islands, Hawaii, or other island possessions . For rent, light, fuel, and water for first, second, and third class post offices, and the cost of advertising for lease proposals for such offices, $17,500,000 . For the transmission of mail by pneumatic tubes or other similar devices in the city of New York, including the Borough of Brook- lyn of the city of New York, at an annual rate not in excess of $19 ,500 per mile of doubl e li ne of tub es, inclu ding powe r, l abor , and all o ther o perati ng ex penses , $516 ,000, For the rental of not exceeding two miles of pneumatic tubes, not including labor and power in operating the same, for the trans- mission of mail in the city of Boston, Massachusetts, $24,000 : Pro- vided, That the provisions not inconsistent herewith of the Acts of April 21, 1902 (U. S. C., title 39, sec. 423), and May 27, 1908 (U. S. C ., title 39, sec . 423), relating to the transmission of mail by pneu- matic tubes or other similar devices shall be applicable hereto . For vehicle allowance, the hiring of drivers, the rental of vehicles, and the purchase and exchange and maintenance, including stable and garage facilities, of wagons or automobiles for, and the opera- tion of, screen-wagon and cit y delivery and collection service, $16,500,000 : Provided, That the Postmaster General may in his disbursement of this appropri ation, apply a part thereo? to the leasing of quarters for the housing of Government-owned auto- mobiles at a reasonable annual rental for a term not exceeding ten years : Provided further, That this appropriation is available for Garage at waahtng- the maintenance of the Government-owned post-office garage at ton, D. C. Washington, 'District of Columbia, including such changes and additions to the mechanical equipment as, in the opinion of the Postmaster General, may be necessary : Provided further, That the Tm1- and trailer Postmaster General, during the fiscal year 1933, may purchase and trucks. maintain from the appropriation " Vehi cle se rvice ' such tractors and trailer trucks as may be required in the operation of the screen- Shipping supper . Canceling and labor- saving devices, etc . Traveling mechani- cians, etc . Mail bags, locks, etc . Equipment shops, materials, etc. Labor . Services in the Dis- trict . Provfeo . Distinctive equip- ment for departm ents, Alaska, and Island pos- sessions . Rent, light, etc ., for first, second, and third clpes ofiiees . Post, p . 783. Pneumatic tubes, New York City. Boston, Mess. Proviso . Provisi ons ap pli ca- ble . Vol. 3% p. 114 ;114


.33, p. 412. U. 8. C.,p. 1280. Vehicle allowance for delivery, collection, etc . Provisos . Rental of garage s.