Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/698

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72d CONGRESS . SESS . I. CH. 482 . JULY 14, 1932 . Sec- quarters, end. light for organized rifle clubs under regulations to be prescribed by the Sec- retary of War, for furnishing heat and light for the authorized allowance of quarters for officers, enlisted men, and warrant officers, including retired enlisted men when ordered to active duty, contract surgeons when stationed at and occupying public quarters at military posts, officers of the National Guard attending service and garri- son schools, and for recruits, guards, hospitals, storehouses, offices, Recreation bu dings. the buildings erected at private cost, in the operation of the Act u. S.C.,p.219.

approved May 31, 1902 (U . S . C ., title 10, sec . 1346), and buildings for a similar purpose on military reservations authorized by War Department regulations ; for sale of fuel to officers ; fuel and engine supplies required in the op eration o f modern batteries at estab lished posts, $13,595,017, of which $2,500,000 shall be available immediately for the p rocuremen t and tra nsportati on of fue l for the service of the Provisos&

fiscal year 1933 : Provided, That not more than $16,000 of the appro- Outside rent. priations contained in this Act shall be available for rent of offices outside the D istric t of C olumbi a in c onnecti on wit h work incid ent to th e ass uranc e of adeq uate prov ision for the m obil izati on of materie l and indust rial o rganiz ations essent ial to war-t ime ne eds : Rentals for military Provided further, That this appropriation shall be available for the attachts.

rental of offices, garages, and stables for military attaches : Pro- Limitation on addi- vided further, That no part of the funds herein appropriated shall tional construction . b e available for construction of a permanent nature of an additional building or an extension or addition to an existing building, the cost of which in any case exceeds $20,000 : Provided further, That the monthly r ental rat e to be p aid out o f this ap propriati on for st abling any animal shall not exceed $15 . Fort Monroe, Va .

SEWERAGE SYSTEM, FORT MONROE, VIRGINIA Wharf, etc . For repai r and mainte nance of wha rf and apron of wha rf, in clud- ing all necessary labor and material therefor, fuel for waiting rooms ; water, brooms, and shovels, $20,280 ; for one-third of said sum, to be supplied by the United States, $6,760 . Roads, etc. For rakes, shovels, and brooms ; repairs to roadway, pavements, macadam and asphalt block ; repairs to street crossings ; repairs to street drains, and labor for cleaning roads, $8,469

for two-thirds

of said sum, to be supplied by the United States, $5,646 . Sewers. For waste, oil, motor and pump repairs, sewer pipe, cement, brick stone, supplies, and personal services, $6,690 ; for two-thirds of sail sum, to be supplied by the United States, $4,460 . Hospitals .

CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR OF HOSPITALS Construction, repair, etc. Temporary camp hospitals, etc . Stable rent . For construction and repair of hospitals at military posts already' established and occupied, including all, expenditures for construction and repairs required at the Army and Navy Hospital at Hot Springs, Arkansa s, and for t he con struct ion an d repai r of g eneral hospi tals and expenses incident thereto, and for additions needed to meet the requirements of increased garrisons, and for temporary hospitals in standing camps and cantonments ; for the alteration of permanent buildings at posts for use as hospitals, construction and repair of temporary hospital buildings at permanent posts, construction and repair o f tempora ry genera l hospita ls, rent al or pur chase of grounds, and rental and alteration of buildings for use for hospital purposes in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, including necessary tem- porary quart ers fo r hosp ital p ersonn el, out buildi ngs, h eating and laundr y appa ratus, plumb ing, w ater a nd sewe rs, an d elec tric w ork, cooking apparatus, and roads and walks for the' same, $550,000 .