Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/710

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72d CO N .WRES S. SESS. I . CH. 482. JULY 14, 1932 . Travel allovrailee. camps` and sut~sisiing'them , while en route, to pa y them travel allow- ance at the rate- of 5 cents per mile for the distance by the shortest usua .ly travei4d 'route from the places from which they are author- ,ized. t o proceed to the camp and for 'the return travel thereto, and to `pay the return travel pay in advance of the actual performance of, the travel ; for expenses incident to the use, including upkeep and depreciation costs, of supplies, aquipment, and materiel furnished in accordance with law from stocks under the control of the War Department ; for pay- for students attending advanced camps at subsistence comma* the rate prescribed for soldiers of the seventh grade of the Regular 'ta tion tose nior div isio n ,members .

Army ; for the payment of commutation of subsistence to members Vol . 39, p.193; vol . of the senior division of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps, at a 41, y .779 .

rate not exceeding the cost of We garrison ration prescribed for id's. C.,p. f84•

the Army, as authorized in the Act app roved June 3, 1 916, as amended by the Act approved June ~4 1920 (U. S . C., title 10, Medical and hosplal sec. 387) ; for medical and hospital treatment until return to their treatment, etc ., if M- jured in li ne of duty. homes and further medical treatment after arrival at their homes, subsistence during hospitalization and until furnished transporta- tion to their homes, and transportation when fit for travel to their homes of members of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps who suffer personal injury in line of duty while en route to or from and while Vo l. 41, pp. 778 .

at camps of instruction under the provisions of section 47a of the U. S.0.,p.185.

National Defense Act approved June 3, 1916 (U . S . C ., title 10, sec. 441), as amended ; and for the cost of preparation and trans- Burial expenses.

portation to their homes and burial expenses of the remains of members of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps who die while 45 v ,Tol..4 , p.365; Vol . attending camps of instruction as provided in the Act approved U. . S. C .,P.186;suPp . April 26, 1928 (U. S. C., Supp. V, title 10, sec. 455) ; for mileage, vp.92. Transportingdepend- traveling expenses, or transportation, for transportation of depend- ents, etc. ents, and for acking and transportation of baggage, as authorized by law, for officers, warrant officers, and enlisted men of the Regular Army traveling on duty etaining to or on detail to or relief from duty with the Reserve Off icers' Training Corps ; for the maintenance vehicles. repair, and operation of motor vehicles, and for the purchase ol not to exceed fifteen motor-propelled truck chassis, with passenger or cargo bodies, at a total cost not to exceed $10,250, including the values of vehicles exchanged, $4,079,484, of which $446,510 shall Provisos .

be a vaila ble imme diate ) Provided, That the Secretary of War is iss ue of A rmy hors es . autho rized to iss ue, wi thout charg e, in lieu o f

, purchase, for the use of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps, so many horses now belong- Uniforms, A

uec .etc ., from ing to the Regular Army as he may consider desirabl e : Prov ide d, That uniforms and other equipment or material issued to . the Reserve Offi cers' Tra inin g Cor ps i n acc orda nce w ith law shall be furni shed from surplus or reserve sto cks of the War Department wi thout payment from this appropriation, except for actual expense incurred Price current to gov- in the manufacture or issue : Provided further, That in no case ern . shal l the amo unt paid ftom this app ropri atio n fr unif orms , equ ip- ment, or material furnished to the Reserve Officers' Training Corps from stocks under the control of the War Department be in excess Additional mounted of the price current at the time the issue is made : Provided further, uni ts forbidden . That none of the funds appropriated in this Act shall be used for the organization or maintenance of an additional number of mounted, motor transport, or tank units in the Reserve Officers' Training Corps in excess of the number in existence on January 1, No additional stu- 1928 : Provided further, That none of the funds appropriated in ..this uni ts . fn designated Act shall be available for any expense on account of any student in Air Corps Medical Corps, Dental Corps, or Veterinary units not a member of such units on May 5, 1932, but such stoppage of further enrollments shall not interfere with the, maintenance of existing units :