Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/895

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72d C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 109. FEBR UARY 21, 1933 .

871 "SEC. 255 . Every person who makes or keeps on the zone or traps-

e g e:plo. ports on or across the zone more than five pounds of gunpowder, nitroglycerine, or other highly explosive substance without a permit from the governor so to do, is guilt y of a mi sdemeanor ." SEC . 72 . That section 258 of the Penal Code of the Canal Zone is hereby amended to read as follows :

Placing extraneous "SEC . 258 . Any person who places in bales, bags, boxes, barrels, materialsin contatnere, or other packages of sugar, tobacco, coffee, rice or other goods w >it increase salable usually sold in bales, bags, boxes, barrels, or other packages, by weight or otherwise, and conceals therein anything whatever for the purposes of increa sing the weight or measurem ent of su ch bales, bags, boxes, barrels, or other packages, with intent thereby to sell the goods therein, or to enable another to sell the same for an increased weight or meas uremen t, is guilty of a misdem eanor ."

section repeated . SEC. 73. That section 269 of the Penal Code of the Canal Zone is saie oc intoaioating hereby repeal ed .

uudr unk ard to habitual Szc . 74 . That section 270 of the Penal Code of the Canal Zone is hereby amende d to r ead as follo ws : cc

ferocious, SEC . 270 . If the owner of a ferocious, vicious, or mischievous et Allowingc ., animal to go at animal, knowing its propensities, willfully suffers it to go at large, large. or keeps it without ordinary care, and such animal, while so at large, Deaths caused by . or while not kept with ordinary care, kills any human being who has taken all the precautions which te circumstances permi tted, or which a reasohable person would ordinarily take in the same situa- tion, such owner is guilty of a felony." SEC . 75. That Title XIII of the Penal Code of the Canal Zone is hereby amended by inserting therein a new section numbered 270a to read as follows : "SEC. 270a . If the owner of a ferocious, vicious, or mischievous other injuries animal, knowing its propensities, willfully suffers it to go at large, or keeps it without ordinary care, and such animal, while so at large, or while not kept with ordinary care, attacks, bites or maims any human being who has taken all the precautions which the cir- cumstances permitted, or which a reasonable person would ordinarily take in the same situation, such owner is punishable by imprisonment in jail not exceeding one year, or by fine not exceeding $500, or both ." SEC . 76. That section 276 of the Penal Code of the Canal Zone is hereby amended to read as follows "SEC. 276. Every person who brings into the Canal Zone any cat-

pan s . quaran tie, horses, mules, or asses, after the governor has made proclamation holding in quarantine, for the purpose of inspection for contagious or infectious diseases, such animals, and allows the same or any of them to leave the place of their first arrival in the Canal Zone until they have been examined by the health department, and a certificate has been obtained therefrom that such animals are free from disease, or permits any such animals to run at large, or to be removed, or to escape, before such certificate has been received, is punishable by a fine not exceeding $500 ." SEC . 77 . That section 279 of the Penal Code of the Canal Zone is here by rep ealed . SEC . 78. That section 282 of the Penal Code of the Canal Zone is here by ame nded t o read as fo llows "SEC. 282. Every person who participates in any riot is punish- Perticipatinglnriots . abl e by i mpriso nment in the penit entiar y not e xceedi ng two years , or by fine not exceeding $2,000, or both ." SEC . 79. That section 283 of the Penal Code of the Canal Zone is here by ame nded t o read aq fo llows " Sw. 283. Whenever two or more persons, assembled and acting "Rout" construed . tog ether, make any at tempt or adv ance t oward t he com missio n of a n