Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/930

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72d CONGRESS . SESS . II. CHS . 120, 121, 123 . FEB. 24, 25, 1933. at Chicago, Illinois, in 1933," approved July 19, 1932, be, and the same hereby is , amended so as to read as follows Thearred pense s to be Federal ex- " SEC . 7. All necessary expenses incurred by the United States in carrying out the p rovisions of this Act shall be reimb ursed to the Government of the United States by A Century of Progress, also known as the Chicago World's Fair Centennial Celebration, under regulations to be prescribed by the Librarian of Congress and by the Commissioner of Patents, respectively." e nts depoa tydas refunds to SEC. 3. That the receipts from reimbursements to the Govern- appropriate appropria- meat of the United States paid by A Century of Progress, also tions.

known as the Chicago Worlds Fair Centennial Celebration as pro- vided in the joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution authorizing the President, under certain conditions, to invite the participation amended 6, p. 1152, of other nations in the Chicago World's Fair, providing for the admission of their exhibits, and for other purposes," approved February 5, 1929, as hereby amended, and in the Act entitled "An Act to pro tect t he cop yright s and patents of fo reign exhibi tors a t _Ante,p.703,amended. A Century of Progress (Chicago World's Fair Centennial Cele- brat ion), to be held a t Chic ago, I llinois , in 1 933," approv ed Jul y 19, 19321 as hereby amended, shall be 'deposited as refunds to the appropriations from which paid, instead of being covered into the Trea sury a s misc ellane ous re ceipts as pro vided by the Act e ntitle d "An Act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1908, and for other Cus. purposes," approved March 4, 1907, in the manner provided for receipts from reimbursable charges for labor, services and other expenses connected with the customs, in section 524 oti the Tariff Act of 1930 . Approved, February 24, 1933 . Vol.34,p.1315. Reimbursable toms charges . Vol. 46, p. 741 . February 24, 1933. [S.J. Re,. 243.1 [Pub. Res ., No. 57 .] i [CHAPTER 121 .1 JOINT RESOLUTION Authorizing the President of the United States to extend a welcome to the Pan-American Medical Association which holds its convention in the United States in March, 1933 . Reso'ved by the Senate and House of Representatives o f the Pan-Amaon. United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President W elc ome Association . Me d- be ex- of the United States is authorized on behalf of the Government of tended its Congress at the United States to extend a welcome to the Pan-American Medical February 25, 1933 . [S . 4589.[ [Public, No . 372.] Richar dson County, Nebr. Payment of part ex- pen ses, drai nage dis - trict, numbered one, for enlarging channel, etc., authorized. Association, which is to hold its fourth congress, being its first con- gress held in an English-speaking nation, at Dallas, Texas, from March 21 to March 25, 1933 . Approved, February 24, 1933 . [CHAPTER 123 .] AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to make payment of part of the expenses incurred in securing improvements in drainage project of drainage district numbered 1, Richardson County, Nebraska, and for other purposes . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior, with the consent of the Indians of the Sac and Fox Reservation, Nebraska, whose lands shall be benefited by the project of drainage district numbered 1, Richardson County, Nebraska, is hereby authorized to pay, from funds now or hereafter on deposit to th e cred it of the in dividu als co ncerned , such India ns' pr o rata share of the ,expenses incurred by landowners interested in such project in the prosecution of a suit in equity to require the said