Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/936

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72d C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 127. FEBRU ARY 27, 1933 . Take acknowledg- SEC. 31 . To TAKE ACKNOWLEDGMENTS AND AFFIDAVITS .-The district menu and a ffida vits . judge and the magistrates shall have power to take and certify

1. The proof and acknowledgment of a conveyance of real prop- erty or of any o ther writt en in strum ent ; 2. The acknowledgment of satisfaction of a judgment of any court ; 3&: An affidavit or deposition to be us ed in the Can al Zone . Post, p. 1164. Proceedings in Eng- lash . Means to carry Juris . diction into effect. Distr ict c ourt repor ts prima facie correct . ATTORNEYS AND C OUNSE L- ORS AT LAW . Admis sion to prao- tice . Fore ign a ttorn eys . Provisos. Requirements . Law practice. Application for ad- mission. Requirements . CROSS REFERENCM Proof and acknowledgment of instruments, see Civil Code, sections 289 et seq. SEC. 32. PROCEEDINGS TO BE IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE .-Every wr itt en proceeding in a court of Justice in the Canal Zone shall be in the Engli sh la nguag e, and jud icial proc eedin gs sh all be con ducte d and preserved in no other . SEC. 33. MEANS TO CAR RY JURISDICTION I NTO E FFE CT .-- When juris - diction is, by th is code, or by any other statute, conferred on a court or judicial officer, all the means necessary to car ry it i nto effect are also given ; and in_ the exercise of thi s jur is dic ti on, if the course of proceeding be not specifically pointed out by this code or the statute, any suitable process or mode of proceeding may be adopted which may ap pear most confo rmabl e to the s pirit of t his c ode . SEC . 34. REPORTS PRIMA FACIE CORRECT STATEMENTs .-The report of the official reporter, or official reporter pro tempore, of the district court, duly appointed and sworn, when transcribed and certified as being a correct transcript of the testimony and proceedings in the case, is pr ima f acie evide nce of suc h tes timon y and proc eedin gs . CHAPTER 3 .-ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW SE C. 35. ADMIssioN TO PRACTICE:1 . Ally person of good moral character who has been admitted to practice in the Supreme Court of the United States, or in the highest court of the District of Colum- bia, or in the highe st co urt of any Stat e or Terri tory, may be admitted, on motion in ope n court, to pra ct ice as an att or ney of the distr ict c ourt . 2. Any person of good moral character who has been admitted to pra cti ce in the hi ghe st court of any foreign country may be admitted to pra ctice as an att orney of the di stric t court : Provided, however, That the r equir ement s for prac tice in su ch fo reign coun tries be a preliminary education, in addition to grade and high school educa- tio n, of at least two years law course in an app ro ved law school : Provided fzarther, That such person shall have practiced law in the courts of his own or of a foreign country for a period of three years . 3. Every applicant for admission shall file his application with the clerk, pr od uce his li cen se and satisfactory evidence that it has not been revoked, file with the clerk statements of at least three reputable persons, one of whom must be a member in good standing of the bar of the district court, attesting to the good moral character of the applicant ; and, if admission is sought und er subdivision 2 of this section, every applicant shall, in addition, furnish satisfactory evi den ce as to the requirements for practice in suc h for ei gn co unt ry and the applicant's practice for the requisite period . The motion for admis sion must be ma de in open cour t by a mem ber in goo d sta nding of the bar of the district court . S uch p erson shal l upo n the fili ng of his application pay to the clerk a fee of $15 which fee shall be accounted for by the clerk as miscellaneous receipts . 4 . Any person of good moral character who has attained the age of twenty-one ears may be admitted to the practice of law in the courts of the anal Zone by the judge of the United States district