Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/1022

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2612 DOUBLE INCOME TAX-SHIPPING PROFIT8-DEXMARK, ETC. ant;t~l Jlcio:.~:t259 Arrangement between the United State8 of America and Denmark and and 28, Decembel'5and Iceland pro't'iding relief from double income tax on shipping prQ/it8. a, 1922. Effected by exchange of notes, .<Jigned Alay 22, 1922; August 9 ana 18, 1922; October 24.,25, and 28,1922; and December 5 and 6,1922. The Danish Minister (Brun) to tlte Secretary of State (Hughes) [Extract) No. 157. ROYAL DANISH LEGATION, 'VASHINGTON, May 22,1922. SIR:- D~bI1Inco-::e tas: With reference to your letter of December 21, 1921 regarding onRecf&r:.~roe::mp- Section 213 b No.8 of the Revenue Act of November 23, 1921, I am tlon, United States and directed to inform you that the Danish Government will be ready Denmark.. • to declare m a note to the Government of the Umted States that the income of a nonresident alien or foreign corporation which con- sists of earnings derived from the operation of ships documented under the laws of the United States will on condition of reciprocity not be subject to taxation in Denmark. Iceland Included. I have the honor to add that I am authorized to make the same statement on behalf of the Government of Iceland and I beg that my present communication may be considered as an expression also of the intention and desire of the Government of Iceland. I venture to hope that this proposition may be found sa tisfactory and that you will be able to consent to the exchange of notes referred to above at your earliest convenience. I have the honor to be, Sir, with the highest consideration, Your most obedient and humble servant, C. BRUN . THE HONORABLE SIR: CHARLES EVANS HUGHES, Secretary of State, Department of State, lVa8hingtofl, D. O . The Secretary of State (llughe.'<) to tile Vawish J.\1ini.'<ter (Brun) [Extract) DEPARTMENT OF STATE, "rASHINGTON, August 9, 1922. I have the honor to refer further to your note of :May 22, 1922, in which you refer to Section 213 (b) (8) of the Revenue Act of 1921, providmg for the exemption from taxation of the income of a non- resident alien or foreign corporation which consists of earnings derived from the operation of ships documented under the laws of