Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/1058

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2648 COMMERCIAL RELATIONS-PERSIA. serait fsite au Gouvernement des Etats-Unis par mon Gouvernement de son intention d 'y mettre fin, mais dans Ie cas OU mon Gouverne- ment serait empeche de remplir ses engagements par l'eft'et d'une mesure Ie~sIative ces dispositions tomberont en caducite. Je serals heureux d'avoir confi.rmation de notre entente sur ces points. Veuillez agreer, ~10nsieur Ie ~1inistre, l'assurance de Illa haute consideration. [SEAL] F. PAKREVAX. SON EXCELLENCE MONSIEUR HOFFMAN PHILIP Ministre des Etats-Unis d'Ambique d Teheran [Translation} TEHERAX, Ma,y 14,1928 MR. MINISTER, I have the honor to advise you that my Government, animated by the sincere desire to terminate as soon as possible the negotiations now in progress with the Government of the United States relative to the conclusion of a treaty of friendship, as well as establishment, consular, customs, and commercial conventions, has directed me to com- municate to you, in its name, the following provisional stipulations: 1. On and after May 10, 1928, the diplomatic representation of the United States of America in Persian territory shall enjoy1 on con- dition of complete reciprocity, the privileges and immunitIes sanc- tioned by generally recognized international law. The consular representatives of the United States of America in Persian territory, duly provided wit.h an exequatur, shall be per- mitted, on condition of complete reciprocity, to reside there in the localities to which they were admitted up to that time. They shall enjoy, on the condition of complete reciprocity, the honorary privileges and personal immunities in regard to jurisdiction and fiscal matters sanctioned by generally recognized international law. 2. On and after May 10, 1928, the nationals of the lTnited States in Persia shall on the basis of complete reciprocity be admitted und treated in aceordance with the rules and practices of generally recog- nized international law. In respect of their persons and property, rights and interests, they shall enjoy there the fullest protection of the !tnvs and the territorial authorities of the country, and they shall not be treated in regard to the above-mentioned matters in a manner less favorable than the nationals of other foreign countries. They shall enjoy, in every respect, the same general treatment as the nationals of the country, without being entitled, however, to the treatment reserved to nationals alone, to the exclusion of all other f oreignel'f!. Matter.~ of personal status and family law shall be treated in special notes to be drawn up and exchanged as soon as possible. 3. On and after May 10, 1928, and as long as the present provisions shall remain in force, and on condition of complete reciprocity, mer- chandise produced or manufactured in the United States, its terri- tories and possessions, on their entry into Persia, shall enjoy the tariff accorded to the most favored nation, so that the treatment accorded to the United States for its merchandise shall not be less favorable than the legal treatment accorded to a third country.