Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/194

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tROO INDrSTRIAL PROPERTY COXVENTION. NOV. 6, 1925. Division of ch.illls lor f) S' d d db·t wultipl£' pr'oritv et(' . • 1une enlane e reve .' ('untient la revendi('ation de pri- orites multiples, ou si l'exalJl.en revele qu'une demande est com- plexe, l'Administration devra, t.out au moins, autoriser Ie de- mandenr A Ia diviser dans des conditions que determinera la legislation interieure, en conser- nmt conillle date de chaque de- mande divisionnaire la date de la demande initiale et, s'il y a lieu. Ie benefice du droit de priorite. ARTICLE 4 b18 • en~~=~n:)~ of Pllt- Les brevets demo.ndes dans les Iatroduction of pat· ented articles. PrilventioD of abUfe5. differents pays contractants par des ressortissants de I'Union se- ront independants des brevets obtenus pour 10. m~me invention dans les autres pays, adherents ou non Al'Union. Cette disposition doit s'entendre d'une fac;on absolne, notamment en ce sens que les brevets de- mandes pendant Ie delai de prio- rite sont independants, tant au point de vue des causes de nullite et de decheance, qu'au point de vue de la duree normale. Elle s'applique atousles brevets existant au moment de sa mise en vigueur. n en sera de m~me, en cas d'accession de nouveaux pays, pour les brevets existant de part et d'autre au moment de I'acces- Slon. ARTICLE 5. Vintroduction, par Ie brevete, dans Ie pays 011 Ie brevet a eM delivre, d'objets fabriques dans l'un ou l'autre des pays de I'Union, n'entratnera pas la decheance. Toutefois chacun des pays con- tractants aura Ia faculte de prende les mesures Iegislatives necessaires pour prevenir les abus qui pour- raient resulter de I'exercice du droit exdusif confere par Ie brevet, par exemple faute d'ex- ploitation. (j) If an application for a pat- ent contains claims for multiple priority, or if examination dis- closes that the application con- tains more than one invention, the competent authorities must at least allow the applicant to divide it, subject to the conditions of internal legislation, reserving as date of each divisional application the date of the initial application and, if there is occasion for it, the benefits of the right of priority. ARTICLE 4 BIS. Patents applied for in the vari- ous contracting countries by na- tionals of the Union shall be inde- pendent of the patents obtained for the same invention in other countries, whether such countries be or be not parties to the Union. This stipulation must receive a strict interpretation; inparticular, it shall be understood to mean that patents applied for during the period of priority are inde- pendent, both as regards the grounds for refusal and for rev- ocation, and also as regards their normal duration. This stipulation shall apply to all patents already existing at the time when it shall come into effect. The same stipulation shall ap- ply, in the case of the accession of new countries, to patents in ex- istence, either en one side or the other, at the time of accession. ARTICLE 5. The introduction by the pat- entee into the country where the patent has been granted of ob- jects manufactured in any of the countries of the Union shall not entail forfeiture. Nevertheless, each of the con- tracting countries shall have the righ t to take the necessary legis- lative measures to prevent the abuses which might result from the exercise of the exclusive rights conferred by the patent; for ex- ample, failure to use.