Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/276

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1882 TREATY, FRIENDSHIP, ETC., -AUSTRIA. JUNE 19, 1928. ll!:.of oommercIal In the event of licenses being issued by either of the High Con- tracting Parties for the importa- tion into or exportation from ita territories of articles the im~orta­ tion or exportation of which is restricted or prohibited, the con- ditions under which such licenses may be obtained shall be publicly announced and clearly stated in such a. manner as to enable traders interested to become acquainted with them; the method of licens- ing shall be as simple and unvary- ing as possible and applications for licenses shall be dealt with as speedily as possible. Moreover, the conditions under which such licenses are issued by either of the High Contracting Parties for goods imported from or exported to the· territories of the other Party shall be as favorable as the conditions under which licenses are issued in respect of any other foreign Equitable quotas of country. In the event of rations restricted goods guar- b. bli hed f anteed. or q.uotas emg esta s or the Importation or exportation of articles restricted or prohibited, each of the High Contracting Parties agrees to grant for the importation from or exportation to the territories of the other Party an equitable share in the allocation of the quantity of restricted goods which may be authorized for importation or ex- portation. In the application of the provisions of this paragraph no distinction shall be made between direct and indirect ship- menta. It is agreed, moreover, that in the event either High Contracting Party shall be en- ~aged in war, it may en!or~e such Import or export restnctlOns as may be required by the national interest. E~DSlon of ad van- Any advantage of whatsoever tapgiventoanyother kind hih .h High C foreign country. W celt er on- tracting Party may extend, by treaty, law: decree, regulation, practice or otherwise, to any article, the growth, produce or manufacture of any other foreign country shall simultaneously and unconditionally, v.ithout request and without compensation, be ijan6 \Jon eintm ber fJdbm ~o~n \Jertragfd)UefJenben ~eilt SBeminigungm f1it bie iin.. ober ~u6fu~t \Jon SZSllten erteilt merben, beren iin.. ober !u6- fU~t ttQd), fJeaie~ung6meife au6 feinm @wieten fJefd)tltnft ober berbotm ift, merben bie SBebingung"n, unter bentn fold)e SBemiIligungen er~ltm merben fannen, allgemein befanntgegwen uub flat angegeben roerben, beran, bau ri ben beteiligten @efd)l1ftllleuten ermag.. Ud)t mitb, babon ~enntni6 au erlangen; bie Wrt uub smeife roie bie SBemiIli.. gungen erteilt roerben, roitb fo einfaQ} uub unberltnberlid) al6 maglid) fein uub bie ~nfud)en um SBemilligungen roerben mit ber tunlid)ften SBefd)leunigung be.. ~aubelt roerben. itberbie6 roerben bie SBebingungen, unter benen fo{d)e SBemil.. ligungen \Jon dnem ber beiben ~o~n bertragfd)lieuenben ~eile fitt smaten erteilt merben, bie au6 ben @ebieten be6 anbern ~eile6 dngeftl~ ober bort~in QU6gef1i~ roerben, elIenfo gilnftig fein mie bie SBebingungen, unter benen SBemilligungen ~infid)tlid) itgmbeine6 anberen ftemben 2anbe6 erteilt roerben. 3m ijane ber ~eftfe,ung bon ~on.. tingenten ober Ouoten f1it bie ~n­ ober ~u6Mt \Jon smllten, bie SBefd)tlin.. fungen ober 5Berboten unterliegen, ift ieber ber bdben ~o~en bertragfd)lieUen.. ben ~eile bamit einbet{tanben, f1it bie liinfu~r au6 ober bie ~u6fu~r nad)· ben @wieten be6 auberen ~eile6 dnen geredjten ~nteil bel ber 5Bertellung bet IDlenge bon SBefd)tltnfungen unter.. liegeuben smllten auaugefte~en, bie Aur ~n.. ober ~u6fu~ augelaffen merben. SBei ber ~nhJeubung ber SBeftimmungen biefe6 ~bfa~ fon rein Untetfd)ieb amifd)en biteften uub iubireften ~en.. bungen gemad)t roerben. li6 befte~t ilberbie6 ~inberftltubni6, bau, fan6 dner ber beiben ~o~en bertragfd)lieuenben ~eile fid) im ~riege befiubet, er iene liil1:= uub WU6Mtbefd)tltnfungen ber.. filgen rann, bie burd) ba6 2aube6 .. intereffe geboten fein foUten. 3eber 5Borteil, gleid)gilltig roeld)er ~rt, ben dner ber beiben ~o~ ber.. ttagfd)lieuenben ~eile bur~ 5Berttag, @ef~, 5Berotbnung, 5Borfd)rift, itbung ober auf anbere smeife fflnftia itgenb .. e{ner in itgenbeinem anbemt ftemben 2anbe getuad)fenen, ~eugtm ober ~.. geftentm 5lBate gehJlt~, fon gIeld).. aritig nub fJebinftung6106 o~ne Wnfud)en nub obnt @egmltiftung auf biefelbe