Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/279

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TREATY, FRIENDSHIP, ETC., -AUSTRIA. JUNE 19, 1928. 1885 The right of such corporations and associati(;ms of either High Contracting Party so recognized by the other to establish them- selves within its territories, estab- lish branch offices and fulfill their functions therein shall depend upon, and be foverned solely by, the consent 0 such Party as ex- pressed in its National, State or Provincial laws. ARTICLE X. The nationals of either High Contracting Party shall enjoy within the territories of the other, reciprocally and u'pon compliance with the conditions there imposed, such rights and privileges as have been or may hereafter be accorded the na- tionals of any other State with respect to the organization of and participation in limited liability and other corporations and asso- ciations, for pecuniary profit or otherwise, including the rights of promotion, incorporation, pur- chase and ownership and sale of shares and the holding of executive or official positions therein. In the exercise of the foregoing rights and with respect to the regulation or ~rocedure concerning the or- g8D.1Zation or conduct of such cor:porations or associations, such nationals shall be subjected to no conditions less favorable than those which have been or may hereafter be imposed upon the nationals of the most favored nation. The rights of any of such corporations or associations as may be organized or controlled or participated in by the nationals of either High Contracting Party within the territories of the other to exercise any of their functions therein, shall be governed by- the laws and regulations, national, state or provincial, which are in force or may hereafter be estab- lished within the territories of the Party wherein they propose to en~age in business. The fore- gOIng stipulations do not apply to the organization of and ~artiClpa­ tion in political associations. ~ae med)t fo anerfemnter ®efeU.. b~t:. to fdJaften uub SBereinigungm ieb~ ber . briben ~o~en t)ettragfd}lie&enbm ~eile, fidJ in btn ®e&ieten be! auberen nieber.. Mtabllah Aulaffen, .8hleigniebedaffungen AU er.. rldJten uub i~e ~dtigfeit bon aue.. Atdiben, foll t)on ber .8uftimmung biefee ~eil~, hlie fie in beffen meidjt... , (6taate.. obet ~aubeegefe~ Aum ~uebntd fommt, ab~dngen unb fidJ allein nadJ i~r regeln. ~rtifel X ~ie (6taatB.IHtfter.ijnnen Nationals of either • •• .,...'tS " •- "U country may organife leb~ ber betben ~o~en t)ertragfdJlte&en... corporations or assocla- ben ~eile follen inner~alb bet ®ebiett tlons In tbe other. bee auberen hled)felfeitig uub unlet ben bon geltenben S8ebingungen foldJe med)te uub SBergftnftigungen gente&en, hlie fte ie~t ober fUnftig ben (6taate.. ange~ijtigen irgenbeinee anberen (6taat~ ~infidJtlid) bet <midJtung t)on uub SBeteiltgung an ®efellfd)aftm uub SBereintgungen mit ober o~ne ~f" tungebefdJtdnfung, miSgen fie ~bfJ" Ahledm bienen obet nidJt, gel1)d~ hlerben, einfdJUefiUd) b~ med)t~ ber ®tUubung, bet ~ntmgung, b~ ~auf~, SBefi~ nub SBerfaufee t)on ®efdJdftecmteilen fOhlie b~ med)t~ eine leitenbe (6tellung ober bie ei~ Wnge- ftellten barln AU befieiben. 3n ber Wueftbung biefer med)te uub ~fidJtlidJ ber 9legelung be! SBetfa~rene bet bet lmid)tung uub ®efdJdftegebamng fold)er ®efellfdJaften uub SBereinigungen follen biefe (6taateange~iSrlgen fehtm S8ebtn.. gungen unternlotfen tDerbtn, bie hleniger gftnftig fiub, ale bie ben (6taat~~iSrl.. gen bet meiftbegftnftigten 9lation ie,t ober fUnftig auferlegten. SlBenn (6taate.. ange~iSrlge ieb~ ber beiben ~o~ t)er.. tmgfdJlie&enben ~eile foldJe ®efell.. fdJaftel\ ober SBereinigungen in ben ®ebietm b~ cmberen errldJten, fon... trollieren ober em i~nen beteiIigt fiub, fo rldJtet fid) beren SBered)tigung, bon irgenbhleldJe gefdJdftlid)e ~dtigfeit aue ... Auftben, nadJ ben meidje... , (6taate ... ober ~aubeegefe~n uub SBerorbnungen, bie inner~alb bet ®ebiete b~ ~eil~, in bem fie i~re ®efdJdft~tdtigfeit au~... ftben hlollen, ie~t gelten obet fUnftig Political associations edaffen hlerben. ~ie l)orfte~enben SBe... excluded. ftimmungen gelten nidJt fnr bie inidJ. tung politifdJer SBereinigungen uub filt bie SBeteUigung an foldJen.