Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/297

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CONVENTION-COMMERCIAL AVIATION. FEBRUARY 20, 1928. 1903 states likewise engagsd. Each contracting state mav furthermore e:uthorlud routel, prescribe the route to be followed over its territory by the aircraft . of the other states except in cases of f()1'oe maiewre which shall 00 governed in acco;dance with the stipulations of Article 18 of this PoI/. , p. 11105. convention. Each state shall publish in advance and notify the otlter contracting states of the fixation of the authorized routes and tj e situation and extension of the prohibited zones. AtmCLE VI Every aircraft over a prohibited area shall be obliged, as soon as v~=~lneveDtol this fact is realized or upon being so notified by the signals agreed upon, to land as soon as possible outside of said area in the airdrome nearest the prohibited area over which it was improperly flying and which is considered as an international airport by the subjacent state. AlmCLE VII Aircraft shall have the nationality of the state in which they are RecfstrJ. registered and can not be validly registered in more than one state. The registration entry and the certificate of registration shal'l con- tain a description of the aircraft and state, the number or other mark of identification given by the constructor of the machine, the registry marks and nationality, fhe name of the airdrome or airport usually used by the aircraft, anla. the full name, nationality and domicile of the owner, as well as the date of registration. AImCLE VIII The registration of aircraft referred to in the precedin3 article gOTarmstroBot (talk) 20:19, 11 June 2014 (UTC)!ODto shall be made in accordance with the laws and special proVIsions of . each contracting state. AImCLE IX Evp-ry aircraft engaged in international navigation must carry a ttJ:.ternatioDal D8viga- distinctive mark of its nationality, the nature of such distinctive tui"~ to k!::; dis- mark to be agreed upon bI the several contracting states. The dis- c veymar • tinctive marks adopted wIll be communicated to the Pan American Union and to the other contracting states. AImCLE X Every aircraft engaged in international navigation shall carry with it in the custody of the aircraft commander: a) A certificate of registration, duly certified to according to the laws of the state in which it is registered; b) A certificate of airworthiness, as provided for in Article 12; c) The certificates of competency of the commander, pilots, eIigi- neers, and crew, as provided for in Article 13; d) If carrying passengers, a list of their names, addresses and nationality; e) If carrying merchandise, the bills of lading and manifests, and all other documents required by customs laws and regulations of each country; f) Log bOoks; £1) If equipped with radiotelegraph apparatus, the corresponding license. AtmCLEXI Each contracting state shall every month file with eve!'y other state part~ to this convention and wlth the Pan American Union, a copy of all registrations and cancellations of registrations of aircraft engaged in international navigation as between the several contract- ing states. Aircraft's papers. Poll, p. lllCM. RecIster to be kept.