Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/326

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1932 POSTAL CONVENTION-AMERICAS AND SPAIN. NOV. 10, 1931. Maintenance expen- l1li6. Funds to be ad- vanced. Repayments. ArbitratiOD. caracter inamovible, conforme con las disposiciones que al respecto ~tablece el Reglamento de la Ofi- cma. 6. Los gastos que demande el sostenimiento de esta Oficina que- daran ~ cargo de los paises que utilicen estos servicios, repartidos proporcionalmente al volumen de correspondencia que intercambien por BU mediaci6n. La Administra.ci6n de Panama adelantara. las cantidades necesa- rias para mantener expeditos los servicios de la Oficina. Dichas cantidades sa reintegra- ran trimestralmente por cada Administraci6n interesada, pero lOB reintegros que no se produzcan dentro de un plazo de Beis meses, a yartir del vencimiento de cada tnmestre, devengaran un interes de 7% anual, destinado a aumen- tar los recursos de Bosrenimiento de la Oficina de Transbordos. ARTICULO 17 ArbiJrajes Todo conflicto 0 desacuerdo que Be suscite en las rela.ciones postales de los paises contratantes sera. resuelto por juicio arbitral, que se realizara. en la forma dispuesta p.!>r el Convenio vigente de la Uni6n PostalUniversaJ.. Ladesig- Designation of arb!- naci6n de a.rbitroB debera. recaer trators. en los paises ~atarios, y, llegado el caso, con mtervenci6n de la Oficina Internacional de la Uni6n Postal de las Americas y Espafta. ARTfcULO 18 Oficina Internacional de la UniOn Postal de las Americas y Espana. International Office 1. Con el nombre de Oficina ~~he r::c!DiO~:J Internacional de la Uni6n Postal Spain. de las Americas y Espafta, fun- Location. cionara. en Montevideo, bajo la alta inspecci6n de la Administra- ci6n general de Correos, Tele- grafos y TeIefonos de la RepUblica graphs of Panama and shall be considered permanent, in accord- ance with the provisions estab- lished by the regulations of the Office concerning it. 6. The expenses which the maintenance of this Office re- quires shall be borne by the countries which utilize these serv- ices, divided proportionally to the volume of correspondence which they may exchange through its intermediary. The Administration of Panama will advance the necessary funds for the. maintenance of' prompt services by the Office. Said amounts shall be repaid quarterly by each Administration concerned, but repayments which are not made within a period of six months after the expIration of each quarter will bear interest at the rate of 7% per annum, for the purpose of mcreasing the maintenance funds of the Trans- fer Office. ARTICLE 17 Arbitration Every conflict or disagreement which may aris9 in the postal relations of the contracting coun- tries will be settled by arbitra- tion, which will be effected in the manner provided for by the Con- vention of the Universal Postal Union in force. The designation of arbitrators shall be incumbent u{>on the signatory countries, WIth the intervention of the International Office of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain, if necessary. ARTICLE 18 International Office of the Postal Union of tlie Americas and Spain 1. With the name of inter- national Office of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain, there will function in Montevideo, under the supervision of the Ad- ministration of Posts, Telegraphs and Telephones of the Republic of