Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/842

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2446 PROCLAMATIONA, 1931. ~::~e merkiDI of Every pa.ckage in which migratory birds or their nests or eggs are . transported shall have clearly and consricuously marked on the out- side thereof the and address of the sender, the number of the permit in every case when a permit is required, the name and address of the consignee, a statement that it contains specimens of birds, their nests, or eggs for scientific purposes, and, whenever such a package is transported or offered for transportation from the Dominion of Canada into the United States or from the United States into the Dominion of Canada, an accurate statement of the contents. Approval of amend- N OW, THEREFORE, I, HERBERT HOOVER, President of the United ments. States of America, do hereby approve and proclaim the foregoing amendatory regulations. March 30, 1931. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my ha.nd and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. DONE at the City of Washington this 17" day of March, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and thirty-one, and of the [SEAL] Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and fifty-fifth. HERBERT HOOVER By the P:r.esident: HENRY L STIMSON Secretary oj Stale. [No. 1943] GEORGE WASHINGTON BIRTHPLACE NATIONAL MONUMENT-VIRGINIA BY THE PREi:JIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION Bt:te:~W"fJ'~n~~ WHEREAS The River Holding. C?rpora!i0n, a corporation organized Monument, Va. under the laws of the State of ViJ:gJ.J!la, did on the 12th day of Decem- =~bYThe ber, 19301 pursuant to the act of Congress entitled "An act for the River Holding Cor- preservation of American antinuities " approved June 8 1906 by its poration described. • ' .' h' Vol. 34 , p. 225. warranty deed convey to the ruted States of Amenca the fo OWIng Tract No. 1. land in Washington District, Westmoreland County, in the State of Virginia, for an addition to the George W asbjngton Birthplace National Monument: TRACT NUMBER ONE Beginning at a point "A", which is point "A" of Tract Number One, as shown on the plat recorded with deed from W. C . Latane and wife and James Latane and wife to The River Holding Corporation dated February 21, 1929, and recorded February 22, 1929, in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Westmoreland County, Va., in Deed Book 87, page 75, thence N. 69~0 E. 2.72 chains to "B", thence N. 28 0 E. 3 chains to "C", thence N. 490 E. 1.42 chains to "D", thence N. 80 0 E. 1.85 chains to "E", thence N. 55° E. 1 .32 chains to "FIJ, thence N. 21° W. 1 chain to "G", thence N. 39~0 W. 1.62 chains to uH", thence N. 42° E. 2 .6 chains to "I", thence S. 57,,0 E. 11.8 chains to "J", thence S. 64'~0 E. 5.09 chains to "K", thence S. 600 E. 2.12 chains to "L", thence N. 71° 20' E. 8.39 chains to "M", thence S. 4 0 50' E. 11.88 chains along the line of the Government reservation to "N", thence S. 62~0 W. 19.08 chains along the Govern- ment road to "0", thence N. 34° W. 8.18 chains to "P", thence N, 66 0 W. 2 .8 chains to "Q", thence N. 43~0 W. 13.84 chains to the place of beginning, and containing 47.87 acres, more or less.