Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1439

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1394 Supervision . Vol. 39, p . 535. U.S.C.,p.591. Acquisition of land, etc . Proviso . Purchase, etc., of tracts from donated funds . Vol .25,p.357. U.S .C.,p .1785. Commission me m- bers to act as board of advisers . Vol. 40, p. 1322 . Personnel . Provisos . Vacancies on part of United States. Vacancies on part of S tate s. Traveling expenses . 74TH CONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 477. JUNE 2, 1936. thirty feet to Lake Erie ; thence southwesterly and westerly along said la ke shore to the m iddle lin e, exten ded, of s aid Chapm an Avenue ; thence south one degree thirty minutes west along said middle line, and the same extended, about five hundred and twenty feet to the place of beginning, and containing fourteen and twenty- five one-hundredths acres of land and known as a part of lots numbered 1 and 2, range south of county road, and a part of lot numbered 12, East Point in South Bass Island, in the tow nship of Put-in-Bay, county of bttawa, State of Ohio . SEC . 2 . That the administration, protection and development of the aforesaid national monument shall be exercised under the direc- tion of the Secretary of the Interior by the National Park Service, subject to the provisions of the Act of August 25, 1916, entitled "An Act to establish a National Park Service, and for other purposes", as amended . SEC . 3 . After the said national monument has been established as provided in section 1 hereof, the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to accept donations of land, interests in land, buildings, structures, and other p roperty as may be donated for the extension and improvement of the said national monument, and donations of funds for the purchase and maintenance thereof, the title and evidence of title to lands acquired to be satisfactory to the Secretary of the Interior : Provided, That he may acquire on behalf of the United States out of any donated funds by purchase when purchasable at prices deemed by him reasonable, otherwise by con- demnation under the provisions of the Act of August 1, 1888, such tracts of land within the said national monument as may be necessary for the completion thereof . SEC . 4. The members of the Perry's Victory Memorial Commission created by Act of Co ngress March 3, 1919, having by their patriotic and active interest faithfully conserved for posterity this important hist orical are a and obje cts, shall hereafter act as a board of a dvisers, and with such other powers as the Secretary of the Interior may direct, in the maintenance of such national monument and shall co nsist of t he pr esent surv iving and activ e mem bers of th e Com mis- sion provided for in said Act, namely, on the part of the United States, John A . Johnston and Hugh Rodman, and on the part of the several States : Ohio, Webster P . Huntington, Carl B . Johannsen, and A . V . Donahey ; Pennsylvania, Milton W . Shreve, Thomas C . Jones, and George M . Mason ; Michigan, James E . Degan ; Illinois, Chesley R . Perry, William Hale Thompson ., and Richard S . Folsom ; Wisconsin, Charles B . Perry, A. W . Sanborn, and S . W . Randolph ; New York, Charles H . Wiltsie, and Jacob Schifferdecker, Rhode Island, Harry E . Davis ; Kentucky, Samuel M . Wilson, W . J . Moore, and Robert H . Winn : Provided, That as vacancies occur in the Com- mission on the part of the United States, they shall remain unfilled until only one Commissioner of the United States remains ; there- after there shall be only one Commissioner of the United States : Pro vided f urther, Th at as vaca ncies occu r in the C ommis sion on th e part of the several States, they shall remain unfilled until only one Commissioner from each State remains ; thereafter there shall be only one Commissioner from each State . After the membership of the Commission has been reduced in accordance with the provisions of this Act, vacancies shall be filled in the manner set forth in the Act of March 3, 1919 . The members of the Commission shall receive no compensation or expenses, except actual traveling expenses incurred in attending meeting s of the Commission upon call of the Secretary of the Interior .