Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2121

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I~DEX. xxxv Columbia Polytechnic Institute, D. C ., Page. appropriation for _______________ 367,1882 Columbia River: Gr~nd Coulee Dam project authorized_ Flood-control projects authorized _____ _ Improvements authorized ___________ _ Preliminary examinations authorized__ Time extended for bridging, at Astoria, 1040 1589 1038 1047, 1595 Oreg ______________________ 1O~6, 1104 Columbia, S. C .: Coinage to commemorate founding oL _ 1165 Examination of waterway to Charles- ton authorized_________________ 1043 Columbus, Ga., erection of marker at site of engagement at; appropriation au- thorized_________________________ 1195 Columbus, Miss. , a cquisition of site for post office at_____________________ 926 Colville Indians, Wash., appropriation for industrial assistance _______________ 1767 Commerce, Department or. See also Sec- retary or Commer.~. Appropriation for-- Air Commerce, Bureau oL _______ 86,1332 Census Bureau _ _ _ _ _________ _ ___ 90, 1336 Census of agriculture __________ 91,1337 Coast and Geodetic Survey _ ______ 95, 1340 Contingent expenses _____________ 86, 1331 Fisheries, Bureau of _____________ 97, 1342 Enforcement of laws, etc_ _ 98, 1343, 1344 Shellfish investigation _________ 98, 1344 Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Bureau oL _________________ 87,1333 China Trade Act, enforcement of _ 88, 1334 Customs statistics, collection ex- penses, etc_______________ 89, 1334 District and cooperative office service ___________________ 88, 1334 Foreign buyers, compilation of lists oL __ _______________ 89, 1335 Foreign trade restrictions, inves- tigations oL________________ 1335 Foreign-trade zones, operation, etc., oL _________________ 90,1336 Investigations, etc ____________ 88, 1334 Living qua"-ters, etc., abroad ___ 90, 1335 Transportation of families, etc.; re- mains 0 f officers d yin g abroad __________________ 89,1335 Lighthouses, Bureau of__________ 93, 1339 Navigation and Steamboat Inspec- tion, Bureau of __ ___________ 91, 1337 l>atent Officc ___________________ 99,1344 Printing and binding____________ 86, 1332 Secretary, Office of, salaries______ 86, 1331 Shipping Board Bureau __________ 99, 1345 Merchant Fleet Corporation ___ 100 ,1345 Standards, Bureau oL ___________ 92, 1337 Commerce, Department of-Continued. Page. Deficiency appropriation for-- Air Commerce, Bureau oL_________ 1618 Audited claims ________ 62,65,66,603,605, 1128, 1130 , 1131, 1133, 1644 , 1646 Census, Bureau oL _ ______________ 1118 Damage claims _____________ 59,601,1127 Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Bureau oL ________________ 582, 1118 Living quarters, etc., abroad_ ____ 583 Transportation of families, etc_ ____ 583 Judgments, payment oL _________ tiO, 1642 Lighthouses, Bureau OL ________ 582, 1618 Navigation and Steamboat Inspec- tion, Bureau oL _____________ _ Printing and binding_____________ _ Secretary, Office oL ______________ _ Accident Prevention Conference, 1118 582 1618 expenses___________________ 1618 Anastasia Island Lighthouse Reserva- tion, Fla., disposal of portion of _ _ 896 California, easement granted to, for highway purposes_______________ 1107 Charleston, S. C ., transfer of Army Base Terminal to city ______ ___ ___ ___ _ 1387 Coast and Geodetic Survey, rank, pay, etc., of Director________________ 1164 Federal Power Act, maintenance of fishways_______________________ 845 Fort Belvoir Fish Cultural Station, Va., removal authorized_____ ________ __ 967 Grand Haven, Mich., conveyance of portions of lighthouse reservation to _________________________ 292,1911 Reversionary provision; rights, etc., reserved_____________________ 292 Green Lake Fish Cultural Station, Maine, added to Acadia Nat.ional Park_____________________ ____ 312 Inflammable or combustible liquid car- go in bulk, additional rules regard- ing design, etc., of vessels trans- porting; certificates of inspec- tion _______________________ 1889-1890 Effective date ________________ -" _ _ _ 1891 Penalty for violation_______________ 1891 I(ey West, Fla., portion of naval sta- tion transferred to______________ 17;) Portion of lighthouse reservation transferred to Secretary of the Navy____________________ 175 I,etters patent, amount available for purchase of. ___________________ 1332 Lightship numbered 82, transfer to United States Ship Constitution Post, No. 3339, Veterans of For- eign Wars, Mass., aut-horized_____ 1823 Ughthouse reservations- Buffalo Harbor, N. Y ., transCer of property from War Departmellt_ 309