Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2130

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xliv INDEX. Dahlgren, Va. -Continued- Page. Brid~c authorized acro;:s Putomac Rivcr aL ______ __ ___ _ 1056 Naval Proving Ground, land purchaHc and construction authorizcd at_ ___ 155 Dairy Industry, Bureau of. See Agricul- ture, Departmcnt of. Dallas, Tex., limitation on sale prire of Federal building repealed _ _ __ _____ _ 423 Damage Claims, deficiency appropriation for ______________ 59,601,1126,1127,1642 Damm, Alice M. A., payment to_ _ ______ _ 56 Damon, S. M ., conveyance of land (til Island of Oahu, T. R., to cHtate oL__ _ 114;') Daniel Boone Bicentennial, supplement- ing design of coinage cOlIlmcmoratillg_ 8()S Daniel, Tillett S., payment to___________ 60:3 Dan River, bridge legalized across, at Danville, Va _ _ _ ___ ________ ___ ___ _ 27 Danville, Va., Union Stl'eet Bridl!;c Jegalized________________________ 27 Darien Harbor, Ga., examination allthor- ized_ __ ___ __ ______ ___ ________ _ ___ 104:3 Date Scale Control, appropriation for _ ___ 2(ii Daughters of the American Revolution, regents to he members of Northwest Territory Celebration Commission___ 511 Daughters of 1812. See r nited States Daughters of 1812. Dauphin Island, Ala., time extended for bridging Mobile Bay aL ___ ____ 1064, 11 0:1 Daytona Beach, Fla., examination author- ized_____________________________ 1044 Dayton, Tenn., bridge authorized across Tennessee River at____ _____ ____ ___ 1065 Deals Island, Md., improvement au- thorized of Upper Thoroughfare_ _ _ _ 1031 Death al1d Injury Claims, arising in cer- tain foreign countries, settlement authorized_ _ _______ ___ ________ _ __ 1138 Decatur Corporation, COllstruetion of cer- tainpipelines, D. C____ _________ __ 89,') Decatur, Nebr.: Bridge authorized across Missollri River at_______________________ . 1072 Time extended _ _ _ _ ______ __ _ _____ 1530 Decatur, Tenn., bridge authorized across TennesseeRiverat _______________ 1065 Decisions of the Supreme Court, distri- bution of, to law library and Library of Congress_ _ __ __________ ________ 1549 Deerfield, Mass., bridge authorized across Connecticut River to Sunderland_ __ _ 1200 Deer River, Minn., bridge authorized across Mississippi River at_ ________ 288 Deficiency Act, Fiscal Year 1935, First: Appropriation for-- Agriculture, Department of _ _ _ ____ _ 51 Biological Survey, Bureau oL _ ___ 52 Forest Service_ _________________ 51 Deficiency Act, Fiscal Year 1935, First- Page. Contin uer\. Appropriat ion for-COil tillued. California Pacific Illterllatiollal Ex .. positioll ______ ~______ 50 District of Cl'lumbia_ _ _ _ 51 Public schools ______ . _ 51 District of Columhiu-Virgillia BOllnd·· ary Commi:;;sioll ___ . jO Farm Credit AdlllillistratiolL _. _ 50 Federal COlllIllU llieatioll"; COlllllli,,- sioll____________ 50 Federal Power CommissiOlL ~ __ ~ 50 Federal Trade Cotnmissioll_ _ _ 51 .Judgments and authoriz('d elailfl" _ _ . 59 J usticc, Department of _ _ __ _ 52 Attorney General, Olliee of ___ 52 III\'cstigatioll, Di\'isioll of _ 52 Penal and eorrcctional instit !itioll-; _ 53 Rules in actiolls at la\\', prcpara- tionoL__ - ___ ______ 52 r lIited States courts, CXpCII"(,.~ of _ 52 LegislativeBranchoftheGoH'l 'Illllcllt _ 49 Architect of the CapitoL ___ . 49 House of Represcntati\'c:,- _ _ 49 National Archivcs_ __ ___ ___ _ 51 NavyDepartme:1L- _ ______ 54 Navigation, Bureau of 5t Secretary's Office_ __ _ __ 54 Supplies and Accounts, Hllreall oL 54 Post Office Departmellt __ ______ __ 55 First Assistant Postmaster Gen- eral, Officf1 oL ______ __ __ _ _ _ 5.3 Fourth Assistant Po:;;tmaster Cell- eral, Office of. __________ __ _ 5;~ State, Departmen t of __________ ___ _ 5;') Foreign Servicc- - _ . - . _______ ____ 55 Treasury Departmellt. __ ___ _______ 56 Coast Guard ___ - - __ - ________ _ 57 Procurement Divisioll, Publ ic Work:~ BranelL _____ ~ __ __ __ _ 57 Supply, Division oL _ ______ 56 Veterans' Administratioll 51 WarDepartment- __ ___ _ 58 Military activities ________ ~ ____ ~_ 58 Deficiency Act, Fiscal Year 1935, Second: Appropriation for-- Agriculture, Department of __ _ _ _ _ __ 581 Agricultural Eeonomics, Bureau oL 581 Agricultural research __ _ _ _______ 582 Biological Survey, Bureau oL _ ___ 581 Entomology and Plant Quarantine, BureauoL ______ . . . ____ _____ 581 Audited claims_ ___ ___ _ 603 Civil Service Commissioll_ __ _____ . _ 573 Commt'rce, Dcpal·tiuellt uf _~ _ 582 Contillgellt expellses_ - ___________ 582 Foreign and Domestic Commerce, BureEtu oL ____ ~ __ _ _________ _ 582 Lighthouses, B'.lre:lu of _ _ ____ ____ _ 582