Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/567

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 438 . AUGUST 5, 1935 . any other authorized place, without as well as within his district, and examine the manifest and other documents and papers and examine, inspect, and search the vessel or vehicle and every part thereof and any person, trunk, package, or cargo on board, and to this end may hail and stop such vessel or vehicle, and use all necessary force to compel compliance . Of officers of com- "(b) Officers of the Department of Commerce and other persons mares Department . authorized by such department may go on board of any vessel at any place in the United States or within the customs waters and hail, stop, and board such vessel in the enforcement of the naviga- tion laws and arrest or, in case of escape or attempted escape, pur- sue and arrest any person engaged in the breach or violation of the navigati on laws . Presenta tion of false ' 1 (c) Any master of a vessel being examined as herein provided, document by master of vessel being examined . Who presents any forged, altered, or false document or paper to th e ex amin ing offi cer, kno wing the sam e to be forg ed, alte red, or Pena lties . false and without revealing the fact shall, in addition to any for- feiture to which in consequence the vessel may be subject, be liable to a fine of not more than $5,000 nor less than $500 . Vessel failing to com- " (d) Any vessel or vehicle which, at any authorized place, is purs with stop signa l; required to come to a stop by any officer of the customs, or is required to come to a stop by signal made by any vessel employed in the service of the customs displaying the ensign and pennant Pe na lty pres cribed for such vessel by the President, sha ll come to a st op, and upon failure to comply, a vess el so required to come to a s top sh all be come su bject to pur suit a nd the master there of sha ll be liable Duty of customs offi- to a fine of not more than $5,000 nor less than $1,000 . It shall be cers to pursue . the duty of the several officers of the customs to pursue any vessel which may bec ome subj ect to p ursu it, and to b oard and exa mine the same, and to examine any person or merchandise on board, without as well as with in their respec tive districts and at any pla ce upon the high seas or, if permitted by the appropriate foreign authority, elsewhere where the vessel may be pursued as well as at any other authorized place . Sei zure of v essels ;

"( e) If upon the examination of any vessel or vehicle it shall arrests . appear that a breach of the laws of the United States is being or has been commit ted so as to re nder such vesse l or vehicle, or the merchandise, or any part t hereof, on boar d of, or brough t into the United States by, such vessel or vehicle, liable to forfeiture or to secure any fine or penalty, the same shall be seized and any person who has engaged in such breach shall be arrested . When revenue laws "(f) It shall be the duty of the several officers of the customs to viol ated . seize and secure any vessel, vehicle, or merchandise which shall become liable to seizure, and to arrest any person who shall become liable to arrest, by virtue of any law respecting the revenue, as well witho ut as within their respec tive d istrict s, and to us e all necess ary force to se ize or arrest the s ame . Ves se ls outside •us - a (g) Any vessel, within or without the customs waters, from to ms waters unlawfully introducing merchan- which any me rchandise is b eing, or has be en, unlawfully introduced dise; boarding, etc.

into the United States by means of any boat belonging to, or owned, controlled, or managed in common with, said vessel, shall be deemed to be employed within the United States and, as such, subject to the provisions of this section . Treaty vessels; juris . t' (h) The provisions of this section shall not be construed to diction over . authorize or require any officer of the United States to enforce any law of the United States upon the high seas upon a foreign vessel in contravention of any treaty with a foreign government enabling or permitting the authorities of the United States to board, examine,