Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/914

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CHS . 697-699 . AUGUST 26, 1935 . inspection issued under the authority of its own government and recognized under law or treaty by the Government of the United Sta tes . SEC . 2. A penalty of not to exceed $500 may be imposed for each violation of any of the provisions of this Act or of any of the rules and regulations prom ulgated under the authority of thi s Act . The vessel shall be liable for the said penalty and may be seized and proceeded against, by way of libel, in the District Court of the United States for any district within which such vessel may be found . SEC. 3 . This A ct sh all b ecome effec tive sixty days after its enact- ment . Approved, August 26, 1935 . [CHAPTER 698 .1 AN ACT To extend the provisions of veterans' laws and regulations to persons who served in Ru ssia during the World War, and their dependents . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That notwithstand- ing any provisions of Public Law Numbered 2, Seventy-third Co n- gress, and the veterans' regulations issued pursuant thereto, for the purpose of payment of pension for disability not shown to have been in curred in military or naval service, the World War shall be deemed to have ended April 1, 1920, for those persons who served with the United States military forces in Russia . SEC. 2 . Veterans who entered active military service subsequent to November 11, 1918, and who served with the United States military forces in Ru ssia prior to April 2, 1920, and their dependents, shall be ent itled to the bene fits of Public La w Numbered 141, S eventy-third Con gress, provided They meet the othe r requirements th ereof . Approved, August 26, 1935 . Effective date . 869 Penalty for violation . Au gust 26, 1935 . [H.R.9116.1 [Public, No. 344.1 Wor ld War vetera ns . Certain provisions conc ernin g, ex tende d to service in Russia . Vol.48,p.9. Se rvi ce qu ali fic a- tions . Vol. 48, p. 524. [CHAPTER 699 .1 AN ACT August 26, 1935 . Relative to the proposed survey, location, and construction of a hi gh way to [S .1374.1 connect the northwestern part of continental United States with British [Public, No . 345.1 Columbia, Yukon Territory, and the Territory of Alaska . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Presi- Co nne cti ng hig hwa y dent of the United States is requested, through such channels as he w ith Br itish n, colan may deem proper, to negotiate and enter into an agreement or agree- A laska . Agr eeme nt wi th ments bet ween the G overnments of the U nited Stat es and of the Ca nada for det ermi n- ing route of, author- Dominion of Canada, for the survey, location, and construction of a ized . highway to connect the Pacific northwestern part of continental United States with British Columbia and Yukon Territory, in the Dominion of Canada, and the Territory of Alaska

in cooperation

with the Government of the Dominion of Canada to cause a survey or surveys to be made to determine the most practicable route for such highway, as well as specifications and estimates of the probable cos t thereof, and pl ans for financing its construction and mainte- nance . SEC . 2 . The Presi dent is hereby au thorized, upon t he conclusion Construction provi- of the negotiations and the execution of the agreement. or agreements Ofsions ne on t10II5 co . ncl usio n b


IIeg Ot1a herein authorized, to designate such existing agency of the Govern- Agency created . ment of the United States as he may select for this purpose, or such officials or agency as he may specially appoint or create for the pur-