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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1471

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1935. MOUNTAIN PROVINCE, 1st District, Saturnino Moldero. 2nd District, Felipe Jose. 3rd District, George K. Tait. 1\ BGROS OCCIDENTAL, 1st District, Enrique Magalona. 2nd District, Pedro C. Hernaez. 3rd District, Gil M. Montilla. NEGROS ORIENTAL, 1st District, Guillenno Z. Villanueva. 2nd District, Jose E. Romero. NUEVA ECIJA, 1st District, Manuel Alzate. 2nd District, Felipe Buencamino, Jr. NUEVA YIZCAYA, Bernardo Buenafe. P ALA W AX, Claudio Sandoval. PAMPANGA, 1st District, Eligio G. Lagman. 2nd District, Jose P. Fausto. PANGASINAN, 1st District, Anacleto B. Ramos. 2nd District, Eugenio Perez. 3rd District, Daniel Maramba. 4th District, N. T . Rupisan. 5th District, Narciso Ramos. RIZAL, 1st District, Pedro Magsalin. 2nd District, Emilio de 10. Paz. l{OMBLON, Gabriel }". J.4"abello.. SAMAil, 1st District, An tolin D. Tan. 2nd District, Serafin Marabut. 3rd District, Juan Bocar. SORf:iOGON, 1st District, Norberto A. Roque. 2nd District! Tomas S. Clemonte. SULU, Datu Ombra Amllbangsa. TARLAC, 1st Distrirt, Jose G. Cojuangco. 2nd District, Bt'nigno Aquino. 'IAYABAS, ht District, Jo~e A. Anltara. 2nd District, Francisco Lavides. ZAMBALES. I'otenriano Lesaea. ZAMBOANGA, Juan S. Alano. In SURIGAO the elertion resulted in a tie between Ricardo Navarro and Clementino V. Di('z. 3483 Announaing result 01 election 01 offleers- Continued. This :Qroclamation shall be effective upon its promulgation at ElJective .trlte. tlo.nila, Philippine Islands, on November 15, 1935, by the Secretary f 'Var of the United States of America, wnc is hereby designated as 1y representative for that purpose. And I do further announ('e and proclaim that, in accordance with New (Jovernmen& he provisions of the aforesaid Act, upon such promulgation of this proclaimed. Iroclamation the existing Philippine Government shall tenninate ,nd the government of the Commonwealth of the Philippines shall nter upon its rights, privileges, ~wers, and duties as provided mder the said Constitution of the Commonwealth of the I)hilippines. IN 'WITNESS "·H}4~REO}'" I have hereunto set my hand and

aused the seal of the rnit('d States of America to be affixed.

DONI<~ at the City of 'Yashington this 14U1 day of November in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and thirty-five, and [SEAL] of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and sixtieth. By the President: CORDELL HULL Secretary of State. FRANKLIN D ROOSEVELT [No. 214~]