4. That, by virtue of the presence of such vessels within the area described in paragraph 1, the unlawful introduction or removal into or from the United States of merchandise or persons is being or may be occasioned, promoted, or threatened. 5. That all the waters within the area described in paragraph 1 are in such proximity to such vessels that such unlawful introduction or removal of merchandise or persons may be carried on by or to or from SUdl vessels.
Provisions of law to be enforced.
And I do hereby proclaim that under the terms of the said Anti-
Smuggling Act, the urea described in paragraph 1 constitutes a cus-
toms-enforcement area, to he designated as Customs Enforcement
Area No.4, and the provisions of law applying to the high seas
adjacent to customs waters of the United States shall be enforced in
such area upon any vessel, merchandise, or person found therein.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. DONE at the city of Washington this 7″ day of December, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and thirty-five, and of [S};AL] the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and sixtieth.
By the President: Cordell Hull Secretary of State. [No. 2150]
Williamate National Forest—Oregon
Williamette National Forest, Oreg. Preamble. Ante, p ???
WHEREAS it appears that the hereinafter-described public lands in the State of Oregon, within the area described in the act of June 13, 1935, entitled "AN ACT To authorize an extension of exchange authority and addition of public lands to the Willamette National Forest in the State of Oregon" (Public, No, 130, 74th Cong,), are chiefly valuable for national-forest purposes; and
WHEREAS the Secretory of Agriculture has recommended that such lands be added to the Willamette National "Forest; and
WHEREAS it appears that the addition of such lands to the said forest would be in the public interest:
Areas enlarged
NOW, THEREFORE, I, FRANKLIN D, ROOSEVELT, Pres- dent of the United States of America, under and by virtue of the authority vested in me by the aforesaid act of June 13, 1935, do proclaim that the following-described public lands in the State of Oregon are hereby added to and made a pad of the Willamette National Forest:
Description Williamette Meridian
T. 15 S., R. 3 E., sec. 32, NW¼NW¼; sec. 34, SE¼SE¼; sec. 35, NE¼SW¼; T.16S., R..3E., sec.1,lots1,2,3,6,7,8,9; sec. 2, lot 2, NW¼SE¼; sec. 10, NW¼SE¼, S½S½; sec. 11, NE¼SE¼, S½S½f;