3502 March 19. 10011.
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PROCLAMATIONS, 1936. left with a radius equal to 1482.5 feet to the center line of the Thomp- son River; thence southeasterly 50.2 feet along the center line of the Thompson River to the point of beginning; all of said tract being located in Lot No.2, Section 4, T. 4 N., R. 73 'V., in Larimer County, Colorado. IN WITNESS 'VHJ1~REOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. DONE at the City of 'tVashington this 5" Jay of :March, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and thirty-si.."{ Rnll of [SEAl,] tlw Independence of the rnited Stntes of America tLe one hundred and sixtieth. By the President: CORDELl. HULL Secrdol'y (if State. FRANKLIN D ROOSEVELT IN o. 21()O] COXTHlllCTIOXF; 'l'0 AMEHlCAN Ib:n Cnoss :Fan FLOOD Ht:LIEF BY TIlE PHESIDEXT 01<' TilE l;NITED d'l'A 'rES Olo' A:\IEUICA A PRO(,LA~IATION ~mcri.(,!ln !~C(l ('ross . Flood waters raging throughout eleven states have driven 200,000 ( ontrllmti(hlS tn. for f . h . . l' . I 1. 1 flood relief reCl'lllst(.O. people r'JIIl theIr omes, WIth every Ille lCatlOn t lttt t 118 Bum )er mny be materially inereased within the next twenty-four hours. In this grave emergency the hom('less nre turning to our great national relief agency, the .American Hed Cross, for food, clothing, shelter and medical enre. To cnnble the Hed Cross to meet this immcJdiate ohliglltiol1 and to continue to enrry the burden (If caring for these unfortunate men, women and children until their homes are .restored and they cnn re- turn to .normal living conditions, it is necessary that a ininiItlllIll relief fund of three million dollars be mised IlS promptly as Jossible. As President of the United States and as l)reEldent of the Amt'ri('ltn Red Cross, I am, therefore, urging Ollr people t(' ('cmtribute promptly and most generously so that 8uflieient funds may be avuilable for the relief of these thousand;, of our homeless fellow citizells. 1 11m confident that in the face of this grcllt need your respollse will he as immediate and as generous as JiltS alway;:; been the cusc witt'n the }ted Cross has aded as your agent in the relief of hllJnnn sufl'ering. IN ""ITNES~ "·HEREOF, I 1I11\"e hereunto set my hund and (~aused the seitl of the United Stutes to he llflixf'(l. DONE at the City of 'tVnshingtoJl thi.;; ]!)" <l1t;V of ::\flln·h, in the year of our Lord 11illett'en hUIHlr{'cl tlHd thirty-six ulld of [SEAL] the IndependeIlcc of the Lnitt'd St:lte~ of Amcri(,tt tll(, one hundred and sixtieth. FRA::\ KLIX D HOOSEYELT By the President: \yILLIA~l PHILLIPS Acting Secretary of State. [No. 2161]