PROCLAMATIONS, 1936. 3521 BIEXVILLE NATIOXAL FOREST-~hsSISSIPPI June 15, 1936. BY THE PRESIDEXT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION "~HEREAS certain forest lands '\\;thin the State of Mississippi Bienville National hb . T' S f Forest, MIss. ave een or may hereafter be acqmred by the "Cmted tates 0 Preamble. America under the authority of sections 6 and 7 of the act of :Mareh i:~\3.3~.~)i).~~. 1, 1911, ch. 186, 36 Stat. 961, as amended (U. S. C., title 16, sees. 515, 516); and WHEREAS it appears that it would be in the public interest to reserve and designate such lands as the Bienville National Forest: NO'V, THEREFORE, I, FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT, Presi- nflTarmstroBot (talk)-:~n~fes~rt,as for dent of the United States of America, under and by virtue of the authority vested in me by section 24 of the act of ~Iarch 3, 1891, ~:~18~;.:i/16~i. ch d ·5 b 61, 26t~tatl'1109f5'111O~'las atmfe~(lled l(tT 1 · Sl' O (I'l" (tl~leS16C' se~'14 71), r. s . C ., p. GOO. an yseeIon 0 tlesal(ac0 1\arc1 ," c. .., tite16, sec. 521), do proclaim that there are hereby reserved and set apart as the Bienville National Forest all lands of the United States within the following-described areas, and that all lands therein which mtly Future acquisitions. hereafter be acquired by the 'Lnited States under authority of 8ai~1 act of ~rarch 1, 1911, us amended, shall upon their aequisition be reserved and administered as a part of the Bienville Nntional Forest: CHOCTAW l\1ERIDIAX T. aN., H. (j E., T.3N.,lt7E.; sections 1 to 3, inclusive; sections 10 to 15, indush-e; sections 22 to 27, inelusive; sections 34 to 36, inclusive; T.3N., R.8E., sections 1 to 12, inclusin'; sections 18, 19,30, and at; T.3N., R.9E., sections 1 to 12, inclusive; T.3 N., R. 10 E., sections 1 to 12, inclusive; T.4 N., R. 6 E., sections 1 to 3, inclush<e; sections 10 to 15, inclusive; sections 22 to 27, inclusive; sections 34 to 36, inclusive; Tps.4 X., Rs. 7,8,9, and 10 E.; T.5N., R.6E., sections 1 to 3, inclusive; sections 10 to 15, inclusive; sections 22 to 27, incllJsin~; sections 34 to 36, inclm~ive; Tps. 5 N., Rs. 7,8, and 9 E.; T. 5 N., R. 10 E., sections 19 to 36, inclusive; T.6N., R.6E., sections 1 to 4, inelusive; sections 9 to 16, inclusive; sections 21 to 28, inclusive; sections 33 to 36, inclusive; Tps.6N., Rs.7and8E.; 'I'. 6N., R.9E., sections 5 to 8, inclusive; sections 17 to 21, inclusive; sections 28 to 33, inclusive; T.7X., R.6E., sections 1 to 3, inclusive; sections 10 to 15, inclusive; sections 21 to 28, inclusive; sections 33 to 36, inclusive; (,hoctaw Meridian.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1515