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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/106

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to obtain a sufficient number of jurors for the trial of any person or persons charged with said criminal offences in the southern judicial district of Florida, it shall be lawful for the judge to send said person or persons, with the indictment and other papers, to the eastern or middle district for trial, and to take recognizances from the witnesses to appear in the said eastern or middle district, in the same manner as he is empowered by law to do, in the district of which he is the judge.

Acts relating to Applachicola and to Franklin county, annulled.Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That an act to amend the act entitled “An act incorporating the town of Applachicola,” approved twelfth of February, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, and “An act to change the county seat of the county of Franklin,” passed January fourteenth, and approved January seventeenth, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, be, and the same is hereby, annulled.

Act respecting a superior court, annulled.Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That so much of the act of the Legislative Council as directs a superior court for the southern judicial district at Indian Key be, and the same is hereby, annulled.

Approved, July 2, 1836.

Statute Ⅰ.

July 2, 1836.

Chap. CCLXII.An Act for laying off the towns of Fort Madison and Burlington, in the county of Des Moines, and the towns of Belleview, Du Buque, and Peru, in the county of Du Buque, Territory of Wisconsin, and for other purposes.

1853, ch. 67.
1837, ch. 36.
Towns of Fort Madison, Burlington, Belleview, Du Buque and Peru, Wisconsin Territory.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the tracts of land in the Territory of Wisconsin including the towns of Fort Madison and Burlington, in the county of Des Moines; Belleview, Du Buque, and Peru, in the county of Du Buque; and Peru, in the county of Du Buque; and Mineral Point, in the county of Iowa, shall, under the direction of the Surveyor General of the public lands, be laid off into town lots, streets, avenues, and the lots for public use called the public squares, and into out-lots having regard to the lots and streets already surveyed, in such manner and of such dimensions as he may think proper for the public good and the equitable rights of the settlers and occupants of the said towns: Provided, The tracts of land so to be laid off into town-lots, &c. shall not exceed the quantity of one entire section, nor the town-lots one-half of an acre; nor shall the out-lots exceed the quantity of four acres each. When the survey of the lots shall be completed, a plat thereof shall be returned to the Secretary of the Treasury, and within six months thereafter the lots shall be offered to the highest bidder, at public sale, under the direction of the President of the United States, and at such other times as he shall think proper; Provided,Proviso. That no town-lots shall be sold for a sum less than five dollars: And provided further, That a quantity of land of proper width, on the river banks, at the towns of Fort Madison, Belleview, Burlington, Du Buque, and Peru, and running with the said rivers the whole length of said towns, shall be reserved from sale, (as shall also the public squares,) for public use, and remain for ever for public use, as public highways, and for other public uses.

Surveyor to class the lots.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the said Surveyor to class the lots already surveyed in the said towns of Fort Madison, Burlington, Belleview, Du Buque, Peru, and Mineral Point, into three classes, according to the relative value thereof, on account of situation and eligibility for business, without regard however to the improvements made thereon; and previous to the sale of said lots as aforesaid, each and every person or persons, or his, her, or their legal representatives, who shall heretofore have obtained from the agent of the United States a permit to occupy any lot or lots in the said towns, or who shall have, by building or enclosure, actually occupied