of all the balances and debts due to the Post Office Department as aforesaid, by late postmasters, showing, in each case, the name and office of the principal debtor, the names of the sureties, if any, the amount of the debt, the time at which it accrued, the steps taken to collect the same, and whether they have been successful or not. The said statement shall also classify such of the said balances as may then remain due, into such as are considered collectible, and such as are not, with the whole amount of each class.
Auditor, mayors, &c. may administer oaths, &c.Sec. 19. And be it further enacted, That the auditor for the Post Office Department, or any mayor of a city, justice of the peace, or judge of any court of record in the United States, by him especially designated, shall be authorized to administer oaths and affirmations, in relation to the examination and settlement of the accounts committed to his charge; and if any person shall knowingly swear or affirm falsely, touching the expenditures of the Post Office Department, or in relation to any account of, or claim against, or in favor of, the said Department, he or she shall, upon conviction thereof, suffer as for wilful and corrupt perjury.
Third Assistant Postmaster General.
Clerks, &c.Sec. 20. And be it further enacted, That there shall be employed by the Postmaster General, a third Assistant Postmaster General, who may receive and send letters and packets free of postage, and in lieu of the clerks now employed in the Department, one chief clerk, three principal clerks, and thirty-three other clerks, one messenger, and three assistant messengers, and two watchmen.
Clerks to be employed in the office of the Auditor.Sec. 21. And be it further enacted, That there shall be employed by the Secretary of the Treasury, in the office of the auditor for the Post Office Department, one chief clerk, four principal clerks, and thirty-eight other clerks, one messenger, and one assistant messenger, also three clerks one at a salary of fourteen hundred dollars per annum, one at a salary of twelve hundred dollars, and one at a salary of one thousand dollars, in the office of the Treasurer of the United States, in lieu of the same number of clerks now employed in the office of the Fifth Auditor of the Treasury, in adjusting the accounts of the Post Office Department.
Reports to be made to Congress by the Postmaster General.Sec. 22. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the Postmaster General to make to Congress, at each annual session thereof, the following several reports:
First, A report of all contracts made for the transportation of the mail within the preceding year, stating in each case of contract its date and duration, the name of the contractor, the route or routes embraced in the contract, with the length of each, with the times of arrival and departure at the ends of each route, the mode of transportation contracted for, and the price stipulated to be paid by the Department; also a statement of all such land and water mails as may have been established or ordered by the Department within the year preceding, other than those let to contract at the annual lettings of mail contracts, specifying, in each case the route or water course on which the mail is established, the name of the person employed to transport it, the mode of transportation, the amount paid or to be paid, and the proposed duration of the order or contract.
Second, A report of all allowances made to contractors within the year preceding, beyond the sums originally stipulated in their respective contracts, and the reasons for the same; and of all orders made by the Department, whereby additional expense is, or will be incurred, beyond the original contract price on any land or water route, specifying, in each case, the route to which the order relates, the name of the contractor, the original service provided by the contract, the original price, the date of the order for additional service, the additional service required, and the additional allowance therefor; also, a report of all