sation granted by law to the members of the Senate and House of Representatives, in addition to the appropriation heretofore made for that object, seventy-two thousand two hundred and sixteen dollars; for compensation of the Senators and Representatives elected by Michigan, seven thousand seven hundred and seventy-six dollars; for the contingent expenses of the Senate, twelve thousand dollars; for allowance for wastage in gold and silver coinage at the mint: for labour and for alloy, in addition to the former appropriation, thirty-three thousand dollars; for extra clerk hire in the General Land Office, for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-six, fourteen thousand six hundred and sixty-six dollars and sixty-four cents; for messengers in the offices of the Chief Engineer, Adjutant General, the commanding General, Surgeon General and Inspector General, and in the Clothing Bureau, Topographical, Ordnance, and Subsistence Departments, two thousand five hundred and sixty-eight dollars; for the assistant messenger in the First Comptroller’s office, in addition to a former appropriation, fifty dollars; for compensation to the surveyor in Alabama, in addition to a former appropriation, five hundred dollars; for compensation to the clerks in the office of the Secretary of the Navy, and in the Navy Commissioner’s Office, in addition to the sums already appropriated for the present year, nineteen hundred dollars.
Provision of act of May 9, 1836, ch. 60, relating to a clerk in Naval Commissioners’ office, repealed.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That so much of the act of the ninth of May, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, “providing for the salaries of certain officers therein mentioned, and for other purposes,” as provides for the employment of an additional clerk in the office of the Navy commissioners, and for his compensation for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-six, be, and the same is hereby, repealed.
Third section of act making certain appropriations for 1835 repealed, and Secretary of Treasury authorized to pay collectors, &c.Act of March 3, 1835, ch. 30.Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the third section of the act making appropriations for the civil and diplomatic expenses of the Government, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five, is hereby repealed; and that the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized to pay to the collectors, deputy collectors, naval officers, surveyors, and their respective clerks, together with the weighers, gaugers, measurers, and markers, of the several ports of the United States, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such sums as will give to the said officers, respectively, the same compensation in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, according to the importations of that year, as they would have been entitled to receive, if the1832, ch. 227.
Proviso. act of the fourteenth of July, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, had not gone into effect: Provided, That no officer shall receive, under this act, a greater annual salary or compensation than was paid to such officer for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two; and that, in no case shall the compensation of any other officers than collectors, naval officers, surveyors, and clerks, whether by salaries, fees, or otherwise, exceed the sum of fifteen hundred dollars each per annum; nor shall the union of any two or more of those offices in one person, entitle him to receive more than that sum per annum: Provided, further,Proviso. That the said collectors, naval officers, and surveyors, shall render an account quarterly to the Treasury, and the other officers herein named, or referred to, shall render an account quarterly to the respective collectors of the customs, where they are employed, to be forwarded to the Treasury, of all the fees and emoluments whatever by them respectively received; and of all expenses incidental to their respective offices; which accounts shall be rendered on oath or affirmation, and shall be in such form, and be supported by such proofs, to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, as will, in his judgment, best enforce the provisions of this section, and show its operation and effect:Proviso.
Proviso. Provided, also, That any salary or compensation due for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five,