Ottawas and Chippewas.For the Ottawas and Chippewas, sixty thousand eight hundred and thirty dollars;
Caddoes.For the Caddoes, ten thousand dollars;
Transportation, &c.For transportation, and incidental expenses, twenty-nine thousand five hundred dollars;
Removal and subsistence of Creeks, &c.For removal and subsistence of the Creeks, and purchase of articles according to the treaty of the twenty-fourth March, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, for the subsistence of the families of the warriors in the service of the United States, and for the expenses attending the sales of Creek reservations, and investigating the frauds committed on these Indians, and the causes of their hostility, seven hundred and one thousand six hundred and seventy-six dollars;
Removal, &c. of Seminoles.For the removal and subsistence of the Seminoles, one hundred and forty thousand dollars;
Removal, &c. of Ottawas of Maumee.For the removal and subsistence of the Ottawas of the Maumee, thirteen thousand dollars;
Removal and subsistence of Pottawatamies of Indiana.For the removal and subsistence of the Pottawatamies of Indiana, and for locating reservations and incidental expenses, under the treaty with the Pottawatamies of St. Joseph, of the twentieth September, eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, ninety thousand five hundred dollars;
Removal and subsistence of Chippewas, Ottawas, and Pottawatamies.For the removal and subsistence of the Chippewas, Ottawas, and Pottawatamies, under the treaty of the twenty-sixth September, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, and for locating reservations, and incidental expenses under the treaty with the same, of the twenty-ninth July, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, one hundred and thirty-two thousand dollars;
Winnebagoes.For locating reservations and incidental expenses under the treaty with the Winnebagoes of the first of August, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, one thousand dollars;
Sioux.For carrying into effect the treaty with the Sioux and other tribes of the fifteenth of July, eighteen hundred and thirty, so far as it relates to the Sioux half-breeds, and for compensation to a blacksmith under the act of the thirtieth June, eighteen hundred and thirty-four, one thousand one hundred and twenty dollars;
Omahas, Ioways, Ottoes, and Yancton and Santie Sioux.For the Omahas, Ioways, Ottoes, and Yancton and Santie Sioux, under the tenth article of the treaty of the fifteenth of July, eighteen hundred and thirty, in relation to half-breeds of these tribes, one thousand dollars;
Choctaw reservations, &c.For the various expenses growing out of the location and sale of Choctaw reservations, and perfecting titles to the same, and for additional compensation to blacksmiths, as provided for by the ninth section of the act of June thirty, eighteen hundred and thirty-four, eight thousand eight hundred and sixty dollars;
Osages.For carrying into effect the fifth and sixth sections of the treaty with the Osages of June second, eighteen hundred and twenty-five, relative to reservations for half-breeds and for schools, two thousand dollars;
Kanzas.For carrying into effect the sixth article of the treaty with the Kanzas of the third of June, eighteen hundred and twenty-five, in relation to reservations for half-breeds, five hundred dollars;
Delawares.For carrying into effect the supplementary article of the treaty with the Delawares of the third of December, eighteen hundred and eighteen, in relation to reservations for schools, five hundred dollars;
Horse-mill for Missourias and Ottoes.For the erection of a horse-mill as stipulated in the fifth article of the treaty with the Ottoes and Missourias of the twenty-first of September, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, in addition to a former appropriation, nine hundred dollars;
Blacksmiths for Cherokees.1834, ch. 162.For additional compensation to blacksmiths for the Cherokees, as provided for in the ninth section of the act of June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and thirty-four, four hundred and eighty dollars;