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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/198

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Ioways.For carrying into effect the treaty with the Ioways of the seventeenth September, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, sixty-five thousand five hundred and ninety dollars;

Sacs and Foxes.For carrying into effect the treaties with the Sacs and Foxes of the seventeenth, twenty-seventh and twenty-eighth September, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, one hundred and thirty-eight thousand two hundred and forty dollars;

Ottoes and Missourias.For carrying into effect the treaty with the Ottoes and Missourias of the fifteenth of October, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, three thousand dollars;

Omahas.For carrying into effect the treaty with the Omahas of the fifteenth October, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, two thousand four hundred and seventy dollars;

Sioux.For carrying into effect the treaties with the Sioux of the tenth September, fifteenth October, and thirtieth November, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, one thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars;

Additional sub-agents.For pay of four additional sub-agents, three thousand dollars;

Examination of vacant Indian lands.For defraying the expenses of a more particular examination of the vacant Indian country, southwest of the Missouri river, with a view to ascertain its adaptation, in quality and extent, to the accommodation of the tribes yet to be removed, three thousand dollars;

Sioux.For holding treaties with the Sioux Indians to extinguish their title to that part of their lands lying east of the Mississippi river, five thousand dollars;

Deputation of New York Indians.For the expenses of a deputation of the New York Indians to visit the country west of the Mississippi, with a view to the selection of a permanent residence, eight thousand dollars;

Deputation of Chippewas of Saginaw.For the expenses of a deputation of the Chippewas of Saganaw for the same object, two thousand dollars;

Visit of Hendrick and two Ioway chiefs to the seat of Government.For defraying the expenses of Hendrick, a Stockbridge Indian, and two Ioway chiefs, and their attendants, who have visited the seat of Government on business during the present winter, one thousand dollars;

Wyandot Indians.For defraying the expenses of a treaty with the Wyandot Indians of Upper Sandusky, in the State of Ohio, one thousand dollars;

Holding treaties with tribes east of the Mississippi, &c.For holding treaties with the various tribes east of the Mississippi river, for the cession of lands held by them respectively, and for their removal west of said river; and with the Sioux for the cession of their country lying east of the same river, and for defraying the expenses of a more particular examination of the vacant lands, west of the Mississippi, with a view to ascertain, whether it be sufficient to accommodate the tribes remaining east of said river, seventeen thousand dollars.

To enable the President, by suitable agents, to inquire what depredations were committed by the Seminole and Creek Indians, &c.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the sum of five thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to enable the President of the United States by suitable agents to inquire what depredations were committed by the Seminole and Creek Indians on the property of citizens of Florida, Georgia, and Alabama, immediately before the commencement of actual hostilities on the part of said respective tribes of Indians; what amount of depredations were committed during the pendency of said hostilities; what portion of the Creek tribe were engaged in such hostilities; and what depredations have been committed by a remnant of said tribe supposed to be friendly and a part of whom were actually employed against the Seminoles, since the removal of the main body of them west of the Mississippi, and that the President report the information so acquired to Congress at its next session;Proviso. Provided, Nothing hereinbefore contained, shall be so construed, as to subject the United States to pay for depredations not provided for, by the act of April ninth eighteen hundred and sixteen, and the acts amendatory