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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/226

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Cape Fear river.For continuing the improvement of the navigation of Cape Fear river, below Wilmington, North Carolina, ten thousand dollars;

Opening passage between the town of Beaufort and Pamlico sound, and improving New river.For opening a passage, of fifty yards wide and seven deep, at low water, between the town of Beaufort and Pamlico sound, North Carolina, and for improving New river, in addition to two sums of five thousand dollars each, appropriated at the last session of Congress for the harbor of Beaufort and for New river, twenty thousand dollars;

Channel between St. Mary’s and St. John’s.For continuing the improvements of the inland channel between Saint Mary’s and Saint John’s, Florida, five thousand dollars;

Cumberland river.For continuing the improvement of the Cumberland river in Kentucky and Tennessee, according to the report of Colonel Abert, United States Engineer, dated February twenty-third, eighteen hundred and thirty-five, of the survey of said river, fifty-five thousand dollars;

Red river.For continuing the removal of obstructions in the Red river, sixty-five thousand dollars;

Ohio river.For continuing the improvement of the Ohio river between the falls and Pittsburg, sixty thousand dollars;

Ohio and Mississippi rivers.For continuing the improvement of the navigation of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, from Louisville to New Orleans, sixty thousand dollars;

Mississippi river.For continuing the works for the removal of the obstructions to the navigation of the Mississippi river at its mouth, two hundred and ten thousand dollars;

Arkansas river.For continuing the works for the removal of the obstructions to the navigation of the Arkansas river, in addition to the unexpended balance of thirty-five thousand dollars, the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars;

Mississippi and Missouri river.For continuing the improvement of the Mississippi river above the mouth of the Ohio, and of the Missouri river, forty thousand dollars;

Mississippi river.For the erection of a pier in the Mississippi river, near Saint Louis, including the sum of fifteen thousand dollars, appropriated for that purpose at the last session of Congress, fifty thousand dollars;

Ohio, Missouri and Mississippi rivers.
Steam snag-boat Archimedes.
Black and White rivers.
For improving the navigation of the Ohio, Missouri, and Mississippi rivers, and to replace the steam snag-boat, Archimedes, sunk in the Mississippi river in November last, twenty-three thousand dollars;

For continuing the survey of Black and White rivers in Arkansas and Missouri, one thousand dollars;

Survey with a view to determine the practicability of an inland communication betw’n the Chesapeake and Charleston, S. C.
New Brunswick harbor.
For making a survey from the southern debouche of the Dismal Swamp canal, down the Pasquotank river to Elizabeth, thence to Croatan Sound, Pamlico and other sounds, near the coast of North Carolina; and thence by the most practicable route to Winyaw bay, in South Carolina, with a view to determine the practicability of opening an inland communication for steam navigation, from the Chesapeake bay to Charleston South Carolina, ten thousand dollars;

For improving the harbor of New Brunswick, New Jersey, by removing the obstructions in the Raritan river in addition to the appropriation of July four, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, six thousand nine hundred and sixty-three dollars;

When the corporate authorities of Alexandria deposite their stock in the Alexandria Canal Company, in the hands of the Secretary of the Treasury, with proper instruments, &c., to vest the same in him, &c., he is authorized to advance, from time to time, the moneys necessary to complete said canal, not exceeding $300,000.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That when the corporate authorities of the town of Alexandria shall deposite the stock held by them in the Alexandria Canal Company, in the hands of the Secretary of the Treasury, with proper and competent instruments and conveyances in law to vest the same in the Secretary of the Treasury and his successors in office, for and on behalf of the United States, to be held in trust upon the same terms and conditions in all respects as the stocks held in the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal by the several cities of this District, were required to be held in and by virtue of the act approved on the seventh day of June, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, entitled “An act for the relief of the several corporate cities of the District of Columbia,” that the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby authorized and