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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/259

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Improving the Capitol square.the centre footway, according to the plan already in part executed, under the provisions of an act of the last Congress, twenty-three thousand one hundred and twenty-seven dollars and eighty-six cents;

Attendance at western gates.For attendance at the western gates of the Capitol, five hundred and forty-seven dollars and fifty cents;

Principal Gardener.For salary of the principal gardener, one thousand dollars;

Alterations, &c., of President’s house, &c.For alterations and repairs of the President’s house, and for superintendence of the grounds around the same, four thousand eight hundred and fifteen dollars;

Flag footways on Pa. avenue, &c.For flag footways across Pennsylvania avenue at Third, Four-and-a-half, Sixth, Seventh, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth streets, and across First street, east of Capitol square, two thousand two hundred and eighty dollars;

Marine Hospital at Charleston.For repairing the Marine Hospital at Charleston, South Carolina, two thousand dollars;

Second payment to L. Persico.For the second payment to Luigi Persico, according to the contract made with him, for a group of statues for the Capitol, four thousand dollars;

Second payment to artists executing paintings for the rotundo.
Purchasing and printing parchment.
For the second payment to the artists engaged in executing paintings for the rotundo of the Capitol, under the joint resolution of the two Houses, eight thousand dollars;

For purchasing eighty thousand pieces of parchment, and the expense of printing the same, thirteen thousand six hundred dollars;

General Post Office.
1836, ch. 270.
For the service of the General Post Office, for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, in conformity to the act of second July, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, four million six hundred and ninety-four thousand dollars, viz:

Transportation of mails.For transportation of mails, three million four hundred thousand dollars;

Compensation of postmasters.For compensation of postmasters, nine hundred and thirty-five thousand dollars;

Ship, steamboat, and wayletters.For ship, steamboat, and way-letters, thirty-one thousand dollars;

Wrapping paper.For wrapping paper, twenty thousand dollars;

Off. furniture.For office furniture, six thousand dollars;

Advertising.For advertising, twenty-five thousand dollars;

Mail bags.For mail bags, forty thousand dollars;

Blanks.For blanks, thirty-six thousand dollars;

Mail locks, &c.For mail locks and keys and stamps, nine thousand dollars;

Mail depredations and special agents.For mail depredations and special agents, twelve thousand dollars;

Clerks.For clerks for offices, one hundred and forty thousand dollars;

Miscellaneous.For miscellaneous, forty thousand dollars;

Proviso.Provided, That there shall exist in the President and in the Postmaster General, the same power to transfer funds from one to another head of appropriation, between the appropriations above made for the service of the General Post Office, as exists in the President and any other head of an executive department to transfer funds appropriated under one head to the service of another, in any other branch of the public service.

Furniture for the President’s house.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the money arising from the sale of the old furniture in the President’s house shall be applied to the purchase of new furniture for the same.

Unexpended balances for clerks in offices of surveyors gen’l appropriated.Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the unexpended balances of appropriations for compensation to the clerks in the offices of the surveyors general of public lands be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, in addition to the sums appropriated by this act for the same purpose.

Approved, April 6, 1838.