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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/278

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hundred and fifteen dollars arrearages for eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, one million four hundred and sixteen thousand two hundred and fifty dollars and thirty-two cents;

Subsistence for militia, &c.For subsistence for militia, volunteers, and friendly Indians, three hundred and sixty-five thousand and forty dollars;

Purchase of powder, &c.For the purchase of powder and other materials for cartridges, together with the repairs of gun-carriages, small-arms, and accoutrements, thirty-five thousand dollars;

Tents, knapsacks, &c.For tents, knapsacks, and other supplies furnished by the clothing bureau, twenty thousand six hundred and seventy-seven dollars and fifty-six cents;

Correcting an error in paying the Indians employed in Florida.For correcting an error in paying the Indians employed in the public service in Florida, seven thousand seven hundred and seventy-five dollars and fifty-three cents;

Objects specified in 3d art. of supplementary articles of treaty of 1835 with Cherokees, &c.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the further sum of one million forty-seven thousand and sixty-seven dollars be appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, in full, for all objects specified in the third article of the supplementary articles of the treaty of eighteen hundred and thirty-five, between the United States and the Cherokee Indians, and for the further object of aiding in the subsistence of said Indians for one year after their removal west: Provided,Proviso.
Further proviso.
That no part of the said sum of money shall be deducted from the five millions stipulated to be paid to said tribe of Indians by said treaty: And provided, further, That the said Indians shall receive no benefit from the said appropriation, unless they shall complete their emigration within such time as the President shall deem reasonable, and without coercion on the part of the Government.

For satisfying all claims for annuities, &c.Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That, for satisfying all claims for arrearages of annuities, for supplying blankets and other articles of clothing for the Cherokees who are not able to supply themselves, and which may be necessary for their comfortable removal, and for medicines and medical assistance, and for such other purposes as the President shall deem proper to facilitate the removal of the Cherokees, one hundred thousand dollars be appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated.

Approved, June 12, 1838.

Statute ⅠⅠ.

June 12, 1838.

Chap. XCVIII.An Act to secure the payment of certain commissions on duty bonds to collectors of customs.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,Commissions to collectors on bonds postponed by act of Oct. 16, 1837, ch. 8. That, on all bonds for duties, taken by any collector of the customs, the payment whereof has been at any time postponed by virtue of “An act authorizing a further postponement of payment upon duty bonds,” passed on the sixteenth day of October last, the collectors who took said bonds, respectively, or their legal representatives, shall be allowed by the Secretary of the Treasury, and entitled to receive, the same commissions, whenever and as fast as the sums secured by such bonds shall be paid into the Treasury, as they would respectively have been entitled to be allowed and receive had the said bonds been paid at maturity and without such postponement; and no part of such commissions shall be claimed by or allowed to the successor in office of any such collector, in any case in which such successor would not have been entitled by law to a portion thereof, if such postponement of the payment of said bonds had not taken place:Proviso. Provided, That nothing in this act shall be so construed as to give to any collector of the customs, or to the representatives of any such collector, a sum greater than the compensation he would have been entitled to receive in case the law therein referred to, for the suspension of pay-