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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/292

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privilege of drawback of duty, shall be applicable to goods entered and stored under the provisions of this act, except as is herein otherwise provided.

Approved, July 5, 1838.

Statute ⅠⅠ.

July 5, 1838.

Chap. CLXI.An Act to authorize the issuing of patents to the last bona fide transferee of reservations under the treaty between the United States and the Creek tribe of Indians which was concluded on the twenty-fourth of March, eighteen hundred and thirty-two.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,The President to cause patents to issue to the last purchasers, &c. of Indian selections, &c. That the President of the United States be, and he is hereby, authorized and required to cause patents to be issued to such person or persons as may be the bona fide purchaser, owner, assignee, or transferee of any selection or reservation which has been made to, or in behalf of, any chief or head of an Indian family, under a treaty concluded between the United States and the Creek tribe of Indians, at Washington city, on the twenty-fourth day of March, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, whatever may be the number of intermediate transfers or assignments:Proviso. Provided, The person or persons applying for such patent or patents shall adduce satisfactory proof to the Commissioner of the General Land Office of the fairness of said several preceding transfers or assignments.

Approved, July 5, 1838.

Statute ⅠⅠ.

July 5, 1838.

Chap. CLXII.An Act to increase the present military establishment of the United States, and for other purposes.[1]

Act of May 23, 1836, ch. 80.
One company to be added to each of the regiments of artillery, &c.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there shall be added to each of the four regiments of artillery, one company, to be organized in the same manner as authorized by existing laws, with the exceptions hereafter mentioned; that there be added to every company of artillery sixteen privates, and to every company of infantry one sergeant and thirty-eight privates, and that the number of second lieutenants of a company of artillery be reduced to one, and that this reduction be so made in connection with the appointment of officers to the four additional companies authorized as aforesaid, and the transfer to the Ordnance Department hereafter directed, that all the present second lieutenants shall be retained in service; and there shall be raised and organized under the direction of the President of the United States, one regiment of infantry,A regiment of infantry to be raised. to be composed of the same number and rank of officers, non-commissioned officers, musicians, and privates, composing the regiments of infantry now in the service of the United States, who shall receive the same pay and allowances, and be subject to the same rules and regulations which now apply to other regiments of infantry, as provided for in this act.

The President authorized to increase the corps of engineers.
Pay and emoluments.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the President of the United States be and he is hereby, authorized to add to the corps of engineers, whenever he may deem it expedient to increase the same, one lieutenant colonel, two majors, six captains, six first and six second lieutenants; and that the pay and emoluments of the said corps shall be the same as those allowed to the officers of the regiment of dragoons.

  1. An act supplementary to an act entitled, An act to increase the present military establishment of the United States, and for other purposes; July 7, 1838, chap. 194.

    An act to amend an act regulating the pay and emoluments of brevet officers, passed April 16, 1818; March 3, 1839, chap. 85.

    An act regulating the organization of the army, and for other purposes; August 23, 1842, chap. 186.

    An act to repeal so much of the act approved the twenty-third of August, one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, as requires the second regiment of dragoons to be converted into riflemen, after the fourth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and forty-three; April 4, 1844, chap. 11.