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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/294

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for one horse; and neither of whom shall be interested or concerned, directly or indirectly, in any wagon or other means of transport employed by [the] United States, nor in the purchase or sale of any property procured for or belonging to the United States, except as an agent for the United States.

Increase of the commissariat of subsistence.Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, That there be added to the commissariat of subsistence one assistant commissary general of subsistence, with the rank, pay and emoluments of a lieutenant colonel of cavalry, one commissary of subsistence with the rank, pay and emoluments of a quartermaster of the army; and three commissaries of subsistence with the rank, pay and emoluments of assistant quartermasters.

Pay of stewards of hospitals.Sec. 12. And be it further enacted, That the stewards of hospitals at posts of more than four companies be hereafter allowed the pay, clothing and rations of a sergeant of ordnance, and, at all other posts, the pay, clothing and rations of the first sergeant of a company of infantry.

The President authorized to increase the ordnance dep’t.
1838, ch. 194.
Pay and emoluments.
Sec. 13. And be it further enacted, That the President of the United States, be and he is hereby authorized to add to the ordnance department, whenever he may deem it expedient to increase the same, by and with the advice of the Senate, two majors, and that he be further authorized to transfer ten first lieutenants and ten second lieutenants from the artillery to the ordnance department, and that the pay and emoluments of the officers of the said department shall be the same as those allowed to the officers of the regiment of dragoons.

Construction to be given to 4th sec. act 5th April, 1832, ch. 67.Sec. 14. And be it further enacted, That so much of the fourth section of the act passed fifth of April eighteen hundred and thirty-two for the organization of the ordnance department, as authorizes the officers of ordnance to receive the same pay and emoluments now allowed artillery officers, shall be construed to include the ten dollars per month additional pay to every officer in the actual command of a company, as compensation for the duties and responsibilities with respect to clothing, arms, and accoutrements of the company, under the authority of the second section of the act passed second of March, eighteen hundred and twenty-seven, giving further1827, ch. 42.
compensation to the captains and subalterns of the army of the United States in certain cases: Provided, That the officers of the ordnance department claiming the compensation for such duties and responsibilities shall have been actually in the command of enlisted men of the ordnance equal to a company of artillery, and thereby incurred the aforesaid responsibilities.

All commissioned officers, &c. to receive an additional ration for every five years’ service.
Sec. 15. And be it further enacted, That every commissioned officer of the line or staff exclusive of general officers shall be entitled to receive one additional ration per diem for every five years he may have served or shall serve in the army of the United States: Provided, That in certain cases where officers are entitled to and receive double rations, the additional one allowed in this section shall not be included in the number to be doubled.

Period of enlistments.
Pay of non-commissioned officers and soldiers.
Sec. 16. And be it further enacted, That from and after the passing of this act, all enlistments in the Army of the United States shall be for five years, and that the monthly pay of non-commissioned officers and soldiers shall be as follows: to each sergeant major, quartermaster sergeant, and chief musician, seventeen dollars, to each first sergeant of a company, sixteen dollars; to all other sergeants, thirteen dollars; to each artificer, eleven dollars; to each corporal, nine dollars; and to each musician and private soldier, eight dollars;Proviso.
1838, ch. 194.
Provided, that two dollars per month of said pay be retained until the expiration of his term of service.

Allowance of surgar and coffee in lieu of spirit or whiskey.Sec. 17. And be it further enacted, That the allowance of sugar and coffee to the non-commissioned officers, musicians and privates, in lieu of the spirit or whiskey component part of the army ration, now