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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/296

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paymasters, shall not exceed the pay and emoluments of a captain of ordnance.

Sec. 27. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the engineer superintending the construction of a fortification, or engaged about the execution of any other public work, to disburse the moneys applicable to the same; and as a compensation therefor, may be allowed by the Secretary of War at the rate of two dollars per diem, during the continuance of such disbursements: Provided, That the whole amount of emolument shall not exceed one per cent. on the sum disbursed.

Time of service of cadets increased.Sec. 28. And be it further enacted, That the term for which cadets hereafter admitted into the Military Academy at West Point shall engage to serve, be and the same is hereby increased to eight years, unless sooner discharged.

Three months’ extra pay given in lieu of the bounty, &c.Sec. 29. And be it further enacted, That in lieu of the bounty now provided by law for re-enlistment, every able-bodied non-commissioned officer, musician or private soldier, who may re-enlist into his company or regiment within two months before or one month after the expiration of his term of service, shall receive three months’ extra pay; and also any non-commissioned officer or soldier who shall serve ten consecutive years,1838, ch. 194.
Land granted for ten consecutive years’ service.
1838, ch. 194.
and shall obtain from the commanding officer of his company, battalion or regiment, a certificate that he had faithfully performed his duty whilst in service, shall be allowed one hundred and sixty acres of land to be designated, surveyed, and laid off at the public expense, in such manner and upon such conditions as may be provided by law, which land shall be patented to the soldier or his heirs, and be not assignable until patented.

So much of acts 16th March, 1802, ch. 9, and 12 April, 1808, ch. 43, as fix the height of enlisted men, repealed.Sec. 30. And be it further enacted, That so much of the eleventh section of the act of the sixteenth March, eighteen hundred and two, and so much of the fifth section of the act of the twelfth of April, eighteen hundred and eight, as fix the height of enlisted men at five feet six inches, be and the same are hereby repealed.

Officers not to be separated from their regiment to engage in civil works, &c.Sec. 31. And be it further enacted, That the officers of the army shall not be separated from their regiments and corps for employment on civil works of internal improvement, or be allowed to engage in the service of incorporated companies, and no officer of the line of the army shall hereafter be employed as acting paymaster, or disbursing agent for the Indian department, if such extra employment require that he be separated from his regiment or company, or otherwise interfere with the performance of the military duties proper:Proviso. Provided, That where officers of the army are now employed on civil works or in the Indian or pay departments as contemplated in this section, they may be continued therein not exceeding one year, unless the convenience of the service will admit of their withdrawal sooner.

Pay, &c. of superintendents of armories.Sec. 32. And be it further enacted, That the superintendents of the armories at Springfield and Harper’s Ferry shall hereafter receive each the sum of fifteen hundred dollars, and rations, fuel, and quarters, as at present authorized; and that the master armorers of the same shall each receive the sum of twelve hundred dollars, and fuel, and quarters, as at present authorized; and that the aforesaid sums and allowances to the officers aforesaid shall be in full compensation for their services respectively.

Seven additional surgeons to be appointed.
Pay, &c.
Sec. 33. And be it further enacted, That the President be, and he is hereby authorized, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to appoint seven additional surgeons; and that the officers whose appointment is authorized in this section, shall receive the pay and allowances of officers of the same grades respectively.

Approved, July 5, 1838.