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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/325

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Statute ⅠⅠ.

July 7, 1838.

Chap. CLXXX.An Act making appropriations for building light-houses, light-boats, beacon-lights, buoys, and making surveys, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following appropriations be, and the same are hereby, made and directed to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to enable the Secretary of the Treasury to cause to be erected and established, the light-houses, beacon-lights, buoys, and to make the surveys herein provided for, to wit:

Taylor’s ledge and Broadcove rock.
Wood island.
State of Maine.―For the erection of two buoys near the entrance of Portland harbor, viz: one on Taylor’s ledge, and one on Broadcove rock, five hundred dollars.

For rebuilding the light-house on Wood island, five thousand dollars.

Fort-point ledge, Adam’s ledge, and Buck ledge.For placing monuments on Fort-point ledge, Adam’s ledge, and Buck ledge, in Penobscot river, one thousand three hundred dollars, in addition to the former appropriation for that purpose.

Bulwark ledge.For placing a monument on Bulwark ledge, about seven miles east-southeast of Portland light-house, three thousand dollars.

Drummer’s ledge and Mark island ledge.For placing one buoy on Drummer’s ledge, south of Mark island, and one buoy on Mark island ledge, five hundred dollars.

Bear island.For erecting a light-house on Bear island, at the entrance of Mount Desert harbor, three thousand dollars.

Bunker’s ledge.For erecting a monument on Bunker’s ledge, outside of said island, one thousand dollars.

Mount Desert harbor, and Bass harbor.For placing one buoy at the southwest entrance of said Mount Desert harbor, and two buoys on the reef in the middle of Bass harbor, one hundred and fifty dollars.

Bantam ledge.For placing a buoy on Bantam ledge, outside of Ram island, two hundred dollars.

Half-tide ledge.For erecting a stone beacon and a buoy on Half-tide ledge in the county of Hancock, twelve hundred dollars.

Crab-tree’s point.For placing a spar buoy on a ledge in the vicinity of Crab-tree’s point, about four miles below Sullivan harbor, in said county, one hundred and fifty dollars.

York ledge.For the erection of a monument or beacon on York ledge, off the entrance of York harbor, ten thousand dollars.

Saddle-back ledge.For erecting a light-house and sea-wall at Saddle-back ledge, in Penobscot bay, ten thousand dollars in addition to the former appropriations.

New Hampshire.
Whale-back light-house.
State of New Hampshire.―For the erection of a pier on the east side of Whaleback light-house, to protect the same, seventeen thousand dollars, in addition to the appropriation already made for that purpose.

Nantucket island.
State of Massachusetts.―For the erection of two small beacon-lights, on the north side of Nantucket island, in addition to a former appropriation for that purpose, two thousand one hundred dollars.

Mayo beach.For completing the light-house on Mayo beach, in Welfleet bay, two thousand dollars.

Bowditch’s ledge.For a monument, in the place of one carried away, on Bowditch’s ledge, in the harbor of Salem, five thousand dollars.

Bowbill ledge.For a monument on Bowbill ledge, in the harbor of Manchester, or for removing the same, at the discretion of the Secretary of the Treasury, five thousand dollars.

Plumb island.For rebuilding the two light-houses on Plumb island, near Newburyport, four thousand dollars.

Rhode Island.
Providence river.
State of Rhode Island.―For buoys or dolphins in Providence river, six hundred dollars.

Paucatuck river.For placing two spindles at the mouth of Paucatuck river, the sum of four hundred dollars.