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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/328

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Cary’s Fort reef.For erecting a light-house on Cary’s Fort reef, forty thousand dollars in addition to the appropriation already made for that purpose.

Great Cumberland island.And so much of the appropriation heretofore made and unexpended for a light-house on Amelia island, be, and hereby is, appropriated, for the removal of the light-house situated on the southern end of Great Cumberland island to the said site on Amelia island.

Two sets of dioptric or lenticular apparatus and one set of the reflector apparatus to be imported, and their merits tested.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he hereby is, directed to cause two sets of dioptric or lenticular apparatus, one of the first, the other of the second class, and also one set, if he deems it expedient, of the reflector apparatus, all of the most improved kinds, to be imported, and to cause the said several sets to be set up, and their merits, as compared with the apparatus in use, to be tested by full and satisfactory experiments; and the sum of fifteen thousand dollars, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, is hereby appropriated for that purpose; and the Secretary of the Treasury is also further authorized to ascertain, by suitable and proper experiments, the merits of the apparatus lately invented by Mr. E. Blunt, of New York;E. Blunt’s apparatus, &c. and if, in his judgment, it has merits which justify the adoption of it, he is hereby authorized to contract with Mr. Blunt, to light any light-house on the coast with it; and the sum of one thousand dollars is hereby appropriated for the above purposes. And the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby to ascertained the merits of the patent fog-bellA Morse’s fog bell. of Andrew Morse junior, and if he deems it expedient to establish one on the coast, the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars is hereby appropriated for that purpose, out of any money not otherwise appropriated.

Measures to be taken by the President in order that Congress may be furnished with more exact information in regard to lighthouses, &c.
1852, ch. 112, § 12.
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That in order that Congress may be furnished with more exact information in regard to light-houses, the light-house system, the President is hereby authorized to divide the Lake and Atlantic coasts into such district as he may deem expedient; and he shall appoint a naval officer or officers, if the public service will allow of it, to survey and examine each district, with reference to all the objects aforesaid; and it shall be their further duty to inspect all the light-houses, light-boats, buoys, beacons, &c. and to report upon their present condition and usefulness; also to inquire and report whether the present public emergencies require any, and if any, what, further additional works and improvements of the above description, and of what kind; and, also, further, to report whether, in their judgment, the public interest requires any modification of the system of erecting, superintending, and managing the light-houses, light-boats, &c.; and if so, in what particulars; and each board shall report separately on all these matters; which reports shall be laid before Congress.

Sec. Treas. to instruct officers to examine and determine whether it be expedient to construct the following works.Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and hereby is, directed to instruct such officers to examine and determine whether it be expedient to construct light-houses, or beacon-lights, and other works hereinafter described, at the following places, viz:

Western point.
In the State of Maine.―A light-house on the Western point, so called, at the entrance of York harbor.

Heron’s neck.A light-house at Heron’s neck, on Green’s island, in the town of Vinalhaven.

Saddle-back ledge.A sea-wall to protect a light-house heretofore authorized to be erected, on Saddle-back ledge, in Penobscot bay, and the expediency of erecting said light-house provided such wall be necessary to its security.

Little river harbor.A light-house on the island at the entrance of Little-river harbor, in the town of Cutler.

Sail rock.A light-house on “Sail rock” off West Quoddy head, and the removal to said site of the fog-bell now located on West Quoddy head.