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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/330

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All places for which appropriations are made, &c. shall be examined, &c.priations are made in this act for the erection of new light-houses, or new light-boats to be established at places not before authorized by law, all such places shall first be carefully examined, and the most suitable site selected; and the persons making the surveys for proposed works in the last preceding section of this act, shall report to the Secretary of the Treasury upon which of said sites, if any, the safety of navigation and the public interests require the work proposed for it, and also, a plan and estimate in detail of the expense of each work so required, including the necessary buildings to be connected therewith. And it shall be the duty of said Secretary to communicate the reports thus made to Congress within the first week of the session thereof in December next.Sec. Treas. to pay the expense of surveys, &c. And the expense of said surveys is hereby authorized to be paid by the Secretary of the Treasury out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the same having been first adjusted and allowed by the Secretary of the Treasury.

Light-houses to be discontinued, &c.Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and hereby is, authorized to discontinue at his discretion, the old light-houses at Oswego, Dunkirk and Cleveland, and cause the sites belonging to the United States of the old light-houses at Cleveland, on Lake Erie, and at Buffalo, in the State of New York, to be sold for such prices, respectively, as he shall deem the same to be worth, and the proceeds of such sales to be paid into the Treasury.

Appropriation for two additional clerks.Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That the sum of two thousand dollars be, and hereby is, appropriated to enable the Secretary of the Treasury to employ two additional clerks in the Fifth Auditor’s office.

Appropriation for examination of the coast between the Mississippi and Sabine rivers.Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That the sum of fifteen hundred dollars be and is hereby appropriated, to enable the Secretary of the Navy to cause such a special examination of the coast between the mouths of the Mississippi and Sabine rivers, and the intermediate harbors, bays, and bayous as may be necessary to fix suitable locations for light-hosues and other improvements, which may give a more safe and ready access to the said harbors, bays, bayous, and rivers.

Approved, July 7, 1838.

Statute ⅠⅠ.

July 7, 1838.

Chap. CLXXXI.An Act to establish a new judicial district in the Territory of Florida.[1]

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,New judicial district. That all the territory included within the present boundaries of the counties of Franklin, Washington, and Jackson, in the Territory of Florida shall constitute a new judicial district, to be called the Appalachicola district, the judge of which shall reside at the town of Appalachicola, or at the town of St. Joseph’s, in said district.

Judge, &c. to be appointed.
Jurisdiction, powers, &c.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That a judge, marshal, and district attorney shall be appointed in said district, having the same jurisdiction, powers, duties, and liabilities, in all respects, as are now possessed by the judges of the superior courts, respectively, in the Territory of Florida, and the said marshal is hereby required to give the same bonds that other marshals are required to give under the laws of the United States and the Territory of Florida, to be approved of and recorded as now directed by law.

Time of holding courts.
Process already issued.
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the said courts shall be holden at the times and places now established by law in said district, until changed by the Legislative Council of said Territory; and all process, executed by and returnable to said courts as a part of the district of West Florida, as heretofore organized, shall be as effectual in law as if the said district had not been changed; and it shall be the duty of

  1. See notes of the acts relating to Florida, vol. 3, 654.