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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/394

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hundred and seventy-four dollars be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to defray the expenses which have been, or may be, incurred, in preventing or suppressing the hostilities of any Indians, in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-nine;How to be expended.
1836, ch. 43.
1836, ch. 254.
to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War, conformably to the acts of Congress of the nineteenth of March and the second of July, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, and of the acts therein referred to:

Forage.For forage for the horses of the second dragoons, mounted volunteers and militia officers entitled to forage in kind, and for horses, mules, and oxen, in the service of trains, three hundred and ninety-two thousand eight hundred and thirty-one dollars;

Freight, &c.For freight or transportation of military supplies of every description from the places of purchase to Florida, two hundred and fifty-four thousand six hundred and twenty-eight dollars;

Purchase of wagons, &c.For the purchase of wagons, harness, boats and lighters, horses to keep up the trains, tools, leather and other materials for repairs, ninety-two thousand dollars;

Transportation.For the transportation of supplies from the principal depots to the several posts, as well as troops, when they move by water, including hire of steamboats and other vessels for the service in the rivers and on the coasts, and the expenses of maintaining and sailing the several steamers and transport schooners connected with the operations of the army, three hundred thousand dollars;

Hire of mechanics, &c.For the hire of mechanics, laborers, mule-drivers, teamsters, and other assistants, including their subsistence, and for soldiers on extra duty, conformably to law, one hundred thousand dollars;

Transportation of militia or volunteers.For the transportation of the militia or volunteers while marching to and from the scene of operations, thirty thousand dollars;

Miscellaneous.For miscellaneous expenses of all kinds, not embraced under the foregoing heads, and which, from their contingent character, cannot be specified, four hundred thousand dollars;

Accoutrements, &c.For accoutrements and armed for infantry and cavalry, including militia infantry and cavalry, and ammunition for men and field artillery, and repairs of arms, and for contingencies, seventy-one thousand dollars;

Pay of militia and volunteers.For the pay of such militia and volunteers as may have been or may be called into the service of the United States, in addition to the unexpended balance of the appropriation for the payment of four thousand volunteers, for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, one hundred and fourteen thousand three hundred and fifteen dollars;

Treaty with the Seminoles.For the purpose of holding a treaty with the Seminole Indians, five thousand dollars.

Vessels to cruise along the coast of Florida.For the purchase and maintaining in active service three vessels of light draught of water, to cruise along the coast of Florida, for the protection of the lives and property of the citizens, fifty thousand dollars;

Paying value of horses and equipage of Tennessee and other volunt’rs.
Value, how to be ascertained.
All acts since 1812, authorizing payment for horses, revived and extended for two years.
For paying the value of the horses and equipage of the Tennessee and other volunteers who have at any time been in the service of the United States in the Territory of Florida, and which were turned over to the Government, by the order of the commanding general or other commanding officer, said value to be ascertained by the appraisement of said value when the volunteers entered the service, fifty-two thousand dollars. And the provisions of acts approved and in force at various periods since eighteen hundred and twelve, authorizing payment for horses lost in the service of the United States by rangers, militia, and volunteers, are hereby revived and extended for two years from and after the passage of this act, and under the action of the Third Auditor, shall be deemed to embrace all cases not already satisfied, of horses lost to their owners in service as aforesaid, in battle or otherwise, when care