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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/415

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Custom-house at New York.For completing the custom-house building at New York, one hundred and eighteen thousand seven hundred and forty-three dollars;

Custom-house at Boston.For the construction of a new custom-house at Boston, one hundred and twenty-one thousand dollars;

Public works at Staten island.For repairing the public works at Staten Island, twenty-nine thousand seven hundred and twenty dollars;

Custom-house at N. Bedford.For repairs of the custom-house building at New Bedford, five hundred dollars;

Custom-house at N. London.For repairs of the custom-house building at New London, one thousand seven hundred dollars;

Marine hospital at Norfolk.For repairs of the marine hospital at Norfolk, four thousand dollars;

Expenses under act to remit certain duties, 1838, ch. 174.For the payment of expenses incurred by the collector of New York, under the act of seventh July, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, to remit the duties upon certain goods destroyed by fire at the late conflagration at the city of New York, one thousand three hundred and fifty dollars;

Ministers.For salaries of the Ministers of the United States to Great Britain, France, Spain, Russia, Prussia, Austria, and Mexico, sixty-three thousand dollars: Provided, That the sum of nine thousand dollars, or part thereof as may be necessary, may be applied to the outfit and salary of a Charge d’Affaires to Spain in lieu of a Minister;

Secretaries of legation.For salaries of the Secretaries of Legation to the same places, fourteen thousand dollars;

Minister to Turkey.For salary of the Minister Resident of the United States to Turkey, six thousand dollars;

Chargés des affaires.For salaries of the Charges des Affaires to Portugal, Denmark, Sweden, Holland, Belgium, Brazil, Chili, Peru, New Grenada, Venezuela, Texas, Naples, and Sardinia, fifty-eight thousand five hundred dollars;

Expenses of missions.For contingent expenses of all the Missions abroad, thirty thousand dollars;

Outfits.For outfits for a Minister to Russia, and of Charge d’Affaires to Sardinia, thirteen thousand five hundred dollars;

Consuls at London and Paris.
Tobacco agents.
For salaries of the Consuls of the United States at London and Paris, four thousand dollars; and twelve thousand dollars for the expenses and salaries of diplomatic agents to be employed under the direction of the President of the United States, in attending to the Tobacco interest of the United States, in Europe;

Relief, &c. of Am. seamen.For the relief and protection of American seamen in foreign countries, forty thousand dollars;

Office of consul at London.
1836, ch. 2.
For clerk hire, office rent, stationery, and other expenses in the office of the American Consul at London, per act of January nineteenth, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, two thousand eight hundred dollars;

Consulates in Turkish dominions.For interpreters, guards, and other expenses incident to the consulates in the Turkish dominions, five thousand five hundred dollars;

Library of Congress.For salary of the principal and two assistant Librarians, pay of the messenger, and for contingent expenses of the Library, four thousand three hundred and eighty-seven dollars and fifty cents;

Purchase of books.For the purchase of books for the Library of Congress, five thousand dollars;

W. G. McNeill.For compensation to William Gibbs McNeill, being an excess of expenditure over and above the appropriation for surveys made under his direction of East pass of the Appalachicola Bay, one hundred and fifty dollars and twenty-nine cents;

Payment of certificates.For the payment of certain certificates, being part of the balance of a former appropriation for that object, carried to the surplus fund, December thirty-first, eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, fifty dollars;

General Post Office.
1836, ch. 270.
For the service of the General Post Office, for the year eighteen hundred and forty, in conformity to the act of second of July, eighteen hundred and thirty-six,