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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/437

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“the appropriation for the increase, repair, armament, and equipment of the navy, and wear and tear of vessels in commission;” and the amount of said appropriation, and of such other, as may be made hereafter for like purposes, and the materials which have been, or may be hereafter collected for the same, may be expended and used by the Secretary of the Navy, in building, replacing, arming, repairing, equipping, and employing any vessels which Congress may have authorized, or may hereafter authorize to be built, rebuilt, purchased, or replaced, in such manner as the interests or necessities of the service may require.

Annual statement required of amounts expended for mechanics’ wages, &c.Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Navy to cause to be laid before Congress, annually, as soon after the beginning of each year as practicable, a statement of the amounts expended during the preceding fiscal year for wages of mechanics and laborers employed in building, repairing, or equipping, vessels of the navy, or in receiving and securing stores and materials for those purposes; and for the purchase of materials and stores for the same purposes; a statement of the cost or estimated value of the stores on hand, under this appropriation, in the navy yards at the commencement of the next preceding fiscal year; the cost, or estimated value, of articles received and expended during the year; and the cost, or estimated value, of the articles belonging to this appropriation which may be on hand in the navy yards at the close of the next preceding fiscal year.

Provisions, materials, &c. may be used for a different appropriation from that under which they were purchas’d.Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That, whenever in the opinion of the Secretary of the Navy it shall be conducive to the public interest to use any article of provisions, materials, or other stores, for a different appropriation from that under which they may have been purchased for the naval service, it shall be lawful for him to authorize such use, and it shall be his duty to certify to the Secretary of the Treasury, the value or cost of the articles thus used; and the Secretary of the Treasury, is hereby authorized and required to cause the proper officers of the Treasury to transfer the amount of such cost or value upon the books of the Treasury, from the appropriation for which the articles may have been used, to the appropriation from which they may have been or may be taken, so that the actual expenditure under each may be accurately shown.

Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That the following sum, being the unexpended balance of a former appropriation which has been carried to the credit of the surplus fund, be, and the same is hereby reappropriated, viz:

Prize money, brig Gen. Armstrong.
1834, ch. 273.
Survey of the coast from Appalachicola bay.
For distribution as prize money among the officers and crew of the private armed brig General Armstrong, per act of thirtieth June, eighteen hundred and thirty-four, two thousand nine hundred and seventy-five dollars and twenty cents.

Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That there be appropriated, from any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the immediate survey of the coast from Appalachicola Bay, to the mouth of the Mississippi river, for the ascertainment of the practicability of establishing a navy yard and naval station which shall best subserve the protection of the commerce of the Gulf of Mexico, the sum of ten thousand dollars, to be expended under the direction of the Commissioners of the Navy Board.

Transfers from one head of appropriation to another.
1834, ch. 171.
Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That whenever the President of the United States shall have authorized the transfer of any moneys from any head of the naval appropriations to other heads of naval appropriations as authorized by the act of Congress approved thirtieth June eighteen hundred and thirty-four, it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury, immediately after the naval appropriations for the year shall have been made, to cause all such transfers to be repaid, by