Subsistence.For the subsistence of officers and cadets, forty thousand and seventy-seven dollars;
Forage of officers’ horses.For forage of officers’ horses, five thousand one hundred and eighty-four dollars;
Clothing.For clothing of officers’ servants, four hundred and twenty dollars;
Board of visiters.For defraying the expenses of the Board of Visiters at West Point, two thousand dollars;
Fuel, forage, &c.For fuel, forage, stationery, printing, transportation and postage, twelve thousand five hundred and eighty-one dollars forty-five cents;
Repairs, &c.For repairs, improvements, and expenses of buildings, grounds, roads, wharves, boats and fences, seven thousand seven hundred and fifty-seven dollars and fifty cents;
Clerks.For pay of adjutant’s and disbursing officer’s clerks, nine hundred and fifty dollars;
Library.For increase and expenses of the library, one thousand dollars;
Binding books.For progress with binding books injured at the fire in February, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, and imported stitched, three hundred dollars;
Miscellaneous.For miscellaneous items, and incidental expenses, seven hundred and twenty-six dollars and twenty-five cents;
Department of Engineering.For the department of engineering, three hundred dollars;
Philosophy.For the department of philosophy, eight hundred and eighty-seven dollars [and] thirty-three cents;
Chemistry.For the department of chemistry, five hundred and twenty-five dollars;
Drawing.For the department of drawing, two hundred and seventy-five dollars;
Mathematics.For the department of mathematics, seventy-five dollars;
Artillery.For the department of artillery, three hundred and ten dollars;
Completing buildings.For completing the re-construction of the buildings for the library, engineer, chemical, and philosophical departments, commenced under the act of July seven, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, seven thousand five hundred and eighty-one dollars [and] thirty-seven cents;
Surveys west of the Mississippi.For military and geographical surveys west of the Mississippi river, twenty thousand dollars;
Balance due Lyon & Howard.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That there be, and hereby is, appropriated, to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of four thousand three hundred and sixty-nine dollars, to pay a balance certified by the Topographical Bureau to be due to Lyon and Howard, as the balance upon a contract for building two steam dredging machines upon Lake Michigan.
Approved, March 3, 1841.
Statute ⅠⅠ.
Chap. XXVI.—An Act to confirm land patents.