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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/494

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the admission of such State into the Union on an equal footing with the original States,” for the making of a road or roads leading to said State, be, and the same is hereby, relinquished to the said State of Alabama, payable in two equal instalments, the first to be paid on the first day of May, eighteen hundred and forty-two, and the other on the first day of May, eighteen hundred and forty-three, so far as the same may then have accrued, and quarterly, as the same may thereafter accrue: Provided,Proviso. That the Legislature of said State shall first pass an act, declaring their acceptance of said relinquishment, and also embracing a provision, to be unalterable without the consent of Congress, that the whole of said two per cent. fund shall be faithfully applied, under the direction of the Legislature of Alabama, to the connection, by some means of internal improvement, of the navigable waters of the bay of Mobile with the Tennessee river, and to the construction of a continuous line of internal improvements from a point on the Chattahoochie river, opposite to West Point, in Georgia, across the State of Alabama, in a direction to Jackson in the State of Mississippi.

Approved, September 4, 1841.

Statute Ⅰ.

Sept. 9, 1841.

Chap. XVII.An Act making appropriations for various fortification, for ordnance, and for preventing and suppressing Indian hostilities.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, namely:

West-head battery.For repairs of West-head battery, Governor’s island, Boston harbor, five thousand dollars;

South-east battery.For repairs of Southeast battery, Governor’s island, Boston harbor, five thousand dollars;

Fort Independence, &c.For repairs of Fort Independence and sea-wall of Castle island, Boston harbor, sixty-five thousand dollars;

Fort Warren.For Fort Warren, Boston harbor, one hundred and five thousand dollars;

Fort at New Bedford.For repairs of old fort at New Bedford harbor, five thousand dollars;

Fort Adams.For Fort Adams, Newport harbor, forty-five thousand dollars;

Ft. Trumbull.For fortifications in New London harbor―rebuilding of Fort Trumbull, Connecticut, thirty-five thousand dollars;

Ft. Griswold.For repairs of old Fort Griswold, New London harbor, Connecticut, ten thousand dollars;

Fort Niagara.For completing repairs of Fort Niagara, and erecting and repairing necessary buildings therein, New York, twenty thousand dollars;

Fort Ontario.For completing repairs of Fort Ontario, Oswego, New York, and erecting necessary buildings therein, fifteen thousand dollars;

Fort Schuyler.For Fort Schuyler, New York harbor, seventy thousand dollars;

Fort Wood.For repairs of Fort Wood, and sea-wall, Bedlow’s island, New York harbor, fifty thousand dollars;

Ft. Columbus, Castle William and South battery.For permanent walls for Fort Columbus, Castle William and South battery, Governor’s island, New York harbor, twelve thousand dollars;

Castle William, governor’s island.For repairs of sea-wall of Castle William and other parts of Governor’s island, seven thousand dollars;

Ft. Delaware.
For Fort Delaware, Delaware river, provided the title to the Pea Patch island shall be decided to be in the United States, including twenty-two thousand seven hundred and seventy dollars carried to the surplus fund, January first, eighteen hundred and forty-one, fifty thousand dollars;

Forts at Annapolis.For repairing forts at Annapolis harbor, Maryland, five thousand dollars;