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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/500

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Articles to be exempt from duty.other animals’ teeth, polishing stones, bristles, ratans unmanufactured, raw and undressed skins, spelter, crude saltpetre, gum Senegal, saffron, shellac, soda ash, sponges, sago, sarsparilla, senna, sumac, tapioca, tamarinds, crude tartar, teutenegue, tin foil, tin in pigs, bars, plates, or sheets, tips of bone or horn, tortoise shell, turmeric, weld, woad or pastel, Brazil wood, Nicaragua wood, red wood, cam wood, log wood, dye woods of all kinds, unmanufactured woods of any kind, except rose wood, satin wood, and mahogany, whale and other fish oil of American fisheries, and all other articles the produce of said fisheries, and zinc; and, also, wool unmanufactured, the value whereof at the place of exportation shall not exceed eight cents per pound;Proviso. Provided, That if any fine wool be mixed with dirt or other material, and thus be reduced in value to eight cents per pound or under, the appraisers shall appraise said wool at such price as in their opinion it would have cost had it not been so mixed, and a duty thereon shall be charged in conformity with such appraisal:Further proviso. And provided, further, That when wool of different qualities is imported in the same bale, bag or package, and any part thereof is worth more than eight cents a pound valued as aforesaid, that part shall pay a duty of twenty per centum ad valorem:Proviso. Provided, That boards, planks, staves, scantling, sawed timber, and all other descriptions of wood which shall have been wrought into shapes that fit them respectively for any specific and permanent use, without further manufacture, shall be deemed and taken as manufactured wood.

Duty on non-enumerated articles.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That there shall be levied, collected, and paid on each and every non-enumerated article which bears a similitude either in material, quality, texture, or the use to which it may be applied, to any enumerated article chargeable with duty, the same rate of duty which is levied and charged on the enumerated article which it most resembles in any of the particulars before mentioned; and if any non-enumerated article equally resembles two or more enumerated articles on which different rates of duty are now chargeable, there shall be levied, collected, and paid on such non-enumerated article the same rate of duty as is chargeable on the article which it resembles paying the highest duty;Duty on articles manufactured from two or more materials.
1841, ch. 16.
Further proviso.
Provided, That, if in virtue of this section, any duty exceeding the rate of twenty per centum ad valorem, shall be levied prior to the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and forty-two, the same shall not in any wise affect the disposition of the proceeds of the public lands as provided for by an act passed at the present session of Congress: And provided, further, That no duty higher than twenty per centum ad valorem in virtue of the said section, shall be levied and paid on any unmanufactured article.

Drawbacks on certain sugars and rum to be reduced, how.Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That from and after the passage of this act, drawbacks payable on exported refined sugars, manufactured from foreign sugars, and on exported rum, distilled from foreign molasses, shall be reduced in proportion to the reduction which shall have been made by law (after the passage of the acts of congress of the twenty-first of January, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, and twenty-ninth of May, eighteen hundred and thirty,1829, ch. 11.
1830, ch. 185.
allowing said drawbacks) in the duties on the imported sugars or molasses, out of which the same shall have been manufactured or distilled, and in no case shall the drawback exceed the amount of import duty paid on either of those articles.

Duty on French wines prior to 2d February next.Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That prior to the second day of February next, the wines of France shall not be subjected, under the provisions of this act or any existing law, to the payment of higher rates of duty than the following, namely, on red wines in casks six cents a gallon; white wines in casks ten cents a gallon, and French wines of